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Blunt Trauma

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Everything posted by Blunt Trauma

  1. Think about where the tracks are and what gets carried on them. Railroad sues over millions of rail ties it calls defective: https://apnews.com/f9343cb576484e8083fb8e24b11df2e6
  2. Yeah. Yeah. It's all fun 'til somebody loses an eye.
  3. Okay,so this is how I see a conversation in your future going: Officer: Those are some mighty fancy rocks you have there. May I ask what you're doing with them? You: They're painted rocks officer. It's my hobby. I paint them and then I hide them around town. Officer: Is that so. Ma'am, I'm going to need you to take off those sunglasses so I can see your eyes and I'll need you to blow into this tube until I tell you to stop. We'll just put these rocks in this here evidence bag and we'll get this all straightened out down at the station. Now you come along quietly and we'll get you a juice
  4. Late 70's the dq across from Charley Brown airport had the best breakfast biscuits you could ask for. Imagine its way more fast food corporate kinda stuff now.
  5. At least a little of that staying packed might be how long it takes to get thru. One its new and they're still a little slow. Two, they're dealing with at least a few folks that ain't never seen a dq menu or if they have its been a long time (saw this both trips). Last, one counter inside where they used to do the dairy on one side and brazier on the other. More efficient maybe but kinda causes a funnel.
  6. I'll leave it to the rest of y'all to say something about the Dairy part, as I can't partake, but the Queen part is another matter. Had to try the chili dog. Good for what it is. Needs onions. Kind of disappointed though. Back when dinosaurs roamed the earth and I was small, DQ used to have like 47 different hot dogs. Now there's one? What's up with that? Went back and tried the Flamethrower burger a few days later. Everything on the burger was pretty good. BUT, and that's a big'ol BUT, the meat was overcooked to cardboard and somehow still only slightly above room temperature. Burger was
  7. Don't know what to tell ya about that. But.....Dude......either way........really?
  8. SHHHHHHH!!!!@!!@ Once they empty it, they can spend a few million and roll the dice renovating. Don't give'em any ideas.
  9. 7550 Wood Road - Bright Star Logistic Center Douglasville, GA 30134 - I-20 W/Douglasville Ind Submarket Property Type:IndustrialSub Type:-Status:Proposed, breaks ground November 2017Year Built:2018 Building Size:330,000 SFLand Area:25.84 AC (1,125,590 SF) Ceiling Height:36'0''Loading Docks:120 extRail:-Power:1,600a Smallest Space:165,000 SFLargest Space:330,000 SFTotal Space Avail:330,000 SFRent/SF/Yr: Negotiable Zoning:-Sprinklers:ESFRDrive Ins:4 tot./12'0''w x 14'0''hCranes:- Parking:249 Surface spaces are available; 160 Industrial Trailer spaces are available; Rati
  10. Now right there's a case of not scrolling on down. Wellstar Health System October 19, 2017 Score: 81, Grade: B If you get sick at one place, they can take you to the other I reckon.
  11. All I hope is that I have the wherewithal to flip over on my belly right there at the end.
  12. Nope, that was all about 4 or 5 years ahead of me. I do remember two places in Underground. One was on the lower level and was going for a turn of the century New Orleans kind of thing. The door man waved us in, two 16 year old boys and a couple of girls that were with us but I'd never met before that I suspect might have been a year or more younger. Flaming Hurricanes 'til somebody falls over. Then kinda vague flashes. The other was on the upper level, I want to call it The Mad Hatter, but I'm not sure. Nickel beer.......then...........ugliness.
  13. Weirdest concert poster I ever saw was from 71 or 72. Alex Cooley's, Skynard was the headliner, their opening act.....................................Kiss. I kid u not.
  14. Felt like part of the family left us. Kinda still does. Not the original, but my favorite with little brother out front. Kinda says it all for me: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwjH0eXF4__WAhXKSiYKHQqfCscQ3ywIKjAA&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DHR4jg3AD3Ag&usg=AOvVaw0HP3Gol6gtc-LCOdRf5dZ2
  15. Yeah, the first thing they do in treatment is dry you out. Treatments also a fine place to make more druggie connections.On the upside, they put that fella that ran the Annawakee Treatment Center in prison for sodomy. Now there's a fine place to break that nasty habit.
  16. Man I hate to be the one to point this out, but it kinda already is.
  17. The middle part of a joke I can't tell on here: "What ya got under that hat young man?" "I gots the worlds fastest turtle under here preacher." "Well now, I'd like to see that. Lift the hat a little and give me a peek boy." "No sir, I caint's do that. He's bad fast. He'll gets away." "Well then, you lift the hat and I'll grab'em." If u know it, u grinned.
  18. So that would be fairly close to Naval Air Station Pensacola? Hmmmmm.
  19. "There will no doubt be some mention of an artificial subterranean orifice. " ​I'm available for fortune telling and palm readings on Wednesdays after 1. Try the veal and please remember to tip the wait staff.
  20. There will no doubt be some mention of an artificial subterranean orifice. And that's a big'ol range from gunshot to transformer, much less to loud explosion. But seriously, this comes up on here from time to time all over the county and has for years. I know I've heard them myself down here around Nebo. There's never, at least in my memory, any real answer offered. I don't have a real answer either, just a theory. Given the length of time they've gone on, dispersal of reports as far as area, lack of any real explanation given some of the nosey ass folks on here (myself included), proximi
  21. Not a better person, just one with fewer options. If I do anything like that, when somebody calls the cops, and they will, then they'll be right in the cops eyes. That's why when this sort of thing happens its almost inevitably a female(s). Most men realize things could be a little different between us.
  22. Its important to support the police where you can. It might be better not to get out in front of this one. The logistics are at minimum sketchy. Call it picking your battles or having "stepping over the dog sense."
  23. Thank you ma'am.Though maybe I gave the wrong impression. They didn't hurt my feelings, they p****ed me off.
  24. I forgot to mention that it was a collaboration. The finger and the "Look" came from an entirely different "lady" than the "monster". Probably proves something about the weakest link in the evolutionary chain theory.
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