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Georgia Dawg

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Everything posted by Georgia Dawg

  1. That's just another reason never to buy that HP crap (re: Compaq) computers. HP, stick with the Printers! However, Kodak is starting to give them a good run for their money. I have absolutely no problems with Vista. I've got Vista on two of my machines, XP on all the others and they all talk to each other over my network. I don't know what all of the fuss is about.
  2. I usually park both cars in the garage but since my parents died I have a lot of my Dad's stuff on one side. However, we have a deadbolt on the garage door leading into the house, plus the garage area is protected by motion sensors and dorr/window sensors. So if anyone did open the garage door with an opener the alarm would go off and the POPO would be on their way.
  3. So, fixing the roads and bridges and NOT fixing the Silver Comet Trial is discrimination against the non-vehicular, ambulatory public. Discrimination, pure and simple. Yeah, right....
  4. The Exxon settlement comes to mind, cheaper to delay and just pay the penalty for not paying. The right to a speedy trial only pertains to criminal cases. Too bad Al Sharpton isn't around to take up your case. There appears to be no problem with others, attorneys, or those involved in litigation to going around , holding press conferences and declaring their innocence. See it everyday. ,
  5. I believe the New Era is the one designated for legal publications. That's about the end of its usefulness.
  6. There appears to be some give and take with the Courts over women and their use of their middle or maiden name. I am the executor of my mother's estate (my dad passed earlier this year) and I was amazed at the different accounts that either have my mother's maiden name as her middle initial and some have her real middle name as her middle initial. As long as you have the marriage certificate that shows your name before it looks like they assume you could have four names (first, middle, maiden, last) and whether you used your middle or maiden depended on whoever it was (some government employee
  7. on the tenth day of Christmas my true love gave to me: 10 weak cells (phone batteries) a-beeping 9 mayberries 8 bewbie hugs from lppt 7 gray hairs Six fly swatters (to help out CE) a fifth wheel for my trailer four Kroger deals three French men two shelter dogs and a brand new Subby CD
  8. I heard he hit a Fire Hydrant and Tree. But other times he couldn't decide between an Iron or a Wood.
  9. C60 refers to size of the cassette - in this case it holds 60 minutes of recording/play time, 30 minutes on each side. I also have some C90's (90 minutes) and C120's (2 hours) cassettes.
  10. If you really want to tick them off, put the ACLU's address as the return address and don't stamp it. The post office will send it to the Return Address for postage! That way it won't cost you a cent and the ACLU won't have your return address!
  11. You only have a septic alarm when the tank is lower than the field lines. So if your house is on a level lot or higher than the surrounding area then there is no need for a pump. I had to put a pump in years ago when I built my house in the woods and I couldn't get the ground around the house to perc well due to the trees and such. So we had to put in a pump to get the sewage up to an open area which was slightly higher than the house grade. It doesn't have anything to do with whether you have to have your tank pumped often. That's due to what you're putting in your tank and whether the
  12. http://www.paulding.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=217814
  13. The Gran Caribe Real Hotel was where we stayed at the week we were in Cancun.
  14. I really wish that someone who invent something that could electronically disable a car or motorcycle from a distance. It would be safer than spike strips and similar to the vehicle running out of gas. Much safer stops and no need for high speed chases.
  15. Ding, ding, ding, ding! We have a winner! More specifically O'Brian would mean OF the house of Brian.
  16. Are you talking the "War of Northern Aggression"? The war wasn't lost, we've just had a temporary cease fire.
  17. I know y'all is really for "you all" but I've also heard (and have used) the word "All y'all". Is that the plural? "Are y'all coming?" "All of us?" "Yes, all y'all" Bonus question: Since the apostrophe is replacing one or more letters like don't is really 'do not' then... What does the apostrophe replace in the name O'Brian, or O'Connell? (yes I already know the answer)
  18. Only a few churches will allow RAP music to be played within its doors.
  19. I think Olive Garden took note that Johnny Carino's couldn't make it in Hiram. Red Lobster won't come to Hiram either - wrong demographic.
  20. I believe backset pins are used to designate the location used by the surveryor when they can't see from one corner to the other corner. That may be due to a hill or trees. We had backset pins at our property in Blue Ridge.
  21. Hands free phones are not the answer. People with those ear buds are just as distracted. I saw someone weaving around and I thought they were surely on a cell phone but I didn't see their hand up to their head. When I got up to them they were yapping away and the ear bud was flashing blue so I knew they must be on their phone. The only answer is to ban cell phone use for some drivers when their car is in motion. Either that, or have some kind of driving test where they monitor you while someone else is talking to you on a cell phone and see how well you drive. If you pass, you get to cont
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