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Everything posted by xxrsellars

  1. Filled up all my feeders this morning !! they're happy !
  2. Awesome !! I sent this to all my Democrat friends, well, there is only one actually.....
  3. Now that's funny.....wait, it could be true....
  4. WOW !! Things are getting really bad out there, think I'll just hide back in my part of the woods for awhile....
  5. I've been wondering why the wife of the victim hasn't come out, she is very seldom mentioned in any of the reports....
  6. I'm sure there are few right here on Pcom that would disagree with you....
  7. My wife tells me all the time about all the money she saves going to these outlet malls, I keep telling her she would save a lot more by leaving the car parked in the garage...she don't listen.....
  8. That sucks big time, on New Years eve......
  9. Doesn't surprise me that you think that TP, Behar is about as empty as your link.
  10. That's awesome !! I have Coopers on my truck for about 3years now, no problems but it is nice to know that they stand behind their product.
  11. However, the Guberment says there is NO cost of living increase....
  12. I was hoping and expecting something new for 2011... same old crap!!!
  13. Not too complicated, didn't seem to have any problem blaming Bush for the increase a couple years ago now did ya.... It's Bush's Fault !!!
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