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Everything posted by xxrsellars

  1. Yep !! I was just gonna say ....It's Bush, all his fault !!
  2. The good part...High of 42 way above freezing
  3. Great description of NPR, MSNBC, NBC, CNN..........
  4. Maybe trying to impress the new lawyer member that Pubby introduced...
  5. EAT MORE CHICKEN.............cause ya can't afford the Beef.....
  6. And this has to do with climate change how?????????
  7. That is awesome man !!! Good things do happen .....
  8. Shot of Jim Beam, see if she comes around, if not, another shot of Jim Beam...... Good Luck !!
  9. Don't think he ever quit, that's his only Forte.
  10. But you would rather the Government have something to do with your damn health insurance.....
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