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Everything posted by xxrsellars

  1. So that's what happened, you fell off the horse and hit your head. Now I understand why all the babble.
  2. Same old babble Bulls%#t that makes absolutely ZERO sense.....wait, why should I expect anything different....
  3. Whew !!! Was beginning to wonder if someone was going POSTAL on us......
  4. She will respond about as quick to this as she did on your political assessment survey.........
  5. WOW ! I was born in Richmond, VA (1944) but, but my Dad's job and my 21 years in the Military, we didn't stay anywhere too awful long. Been in Georgia now 25 years.
  6. Is it supposed to rain tomorrow? Just wondering...
  7. Well you're just a walking history book JJ. You would be very interesting to listen to, bet you have some stories.
  8. You sure don't want any problem either, even a tiny little problem is like a snowball rolling down hill, gets bigger, and bigger as it's handed off to another graduate of our public school system...
  9. I completely understand why you would be confused.......
  10. Government, logic, and intelligence, cannot be used in the same sentence.
  11. The man is nuts, along with his lawyers that would file a stupid lawsuit. what a wacko.....
  12. You are correct, I served 21 years in the Army and I pay for my cell phone.....this blows my mind to even think that the tax payers have to pay for someones cell phone....Geeeeez
  13. Congrats Blue !!!! Just pray that all are healthy...
  14. Just wish it didn't take so long and cost us so much $$$$. I believe three appeals within five years should do it.
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