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Everything posted by xxrsellars

  1. Exactly !!! and the person you infringe upon may snuff out what rights you thought you had.....Bang !!!
  2. And all this babble had what to do with LPPT question to you about Wikileaks ?????
  3. I just checked it out, no problem from here !! Oh that's right, J is between 4 & 3 beers....
  4. Same here ! My internal alarm goes off between 4:30 and 5:00 every morning.
  5. What ever it is it will have to be made of such material to provide the ability to expand and contract.......
  6. Both Male and female teenagers should be required to work 6 months at Chucky Cheese and serve these little br.... if they still want to have kids after that, there is no help.....
  7. Tell Him I said congrats and Thanks for stepping up and serving our Country......
  8. You may be right, I would hate to see it. I'm just in shock over this one, can't prepare for something like this. Thoughts and prayers to his family.
  9. I kinda cracked up when I read the Topic Title and who started the topic... 86 teens Pregnant by MeWhoElse
  10. I fourth that...Been going to him for a long time, really like Dr. Woods.
  11. I agree PSD, in my situation I'm totally retired, twice. Like you, saved for many years, Got bought out from the last company for quite a large sum, so we are doing well, I don't depend on the rise or fall of the economy but other family members do and they are struggling.
  12. I like Sam's concept......Bag/Box it yourself then you can't bitch about someone else who was trying to help..
  13. Dang, USPS is not working on "National Fig Newton Day - January 16" http://homeschooling.about.com/library/bljan16a.htm
  14. I don't really know, but I would rather they wait, I would probably bust my azz walking out to the road to get the mail, I looked out this morning...nothing but ice, I hope they stay home.
  15. Yeah !!!!!! How bout them Tigers........
  16. There is one on Bill Carruth at the road that goes to Hiram High School that looks like a castle, hard to see but it's there.
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