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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. I mean the pizza around here is not even food. I think it's doubtful......
  2. with lots of boom booms please. Makes the flowers and vegs. grow.
  3. First member I met was Solo. Haven't seen her in a long long time.......
  4. Heck LR, we have two filters. Sometimes through.................
  5. Amen to that! It will also mess with your faucets. Those little screens get clogged pretty quick. The only time we get sediment is when the water is left running (hey, it happens) to the point that the level in the well drops and the pump starts swirling up all the "stuff" at the bottom of the well. REALLY, messes with your washer!
  6. Just got done with a small portion down by the barn and you are right.....it is BRUTAL!
  7. Didn't know Jeffery or his family but it is still very sad and I am sincerely sorry for your loss.
  8. Thanks for posting, makes me proud.
  9. If he offered you a ball, well I have cookies little girl......... want some? LOL
  10. Wendy walks on water as far as I'm concerned.
  11. I am so sorry NG. Sending real good thoughts for you and your Mom. Good luck hun.
  12. Lady, you are the one that rocks. Soooo glad it looks like everything will be OK.
  13. Sending good ju ju your way. Hope all is OK hun.
  14. I saw the ET interview too. She is downright scary as well as evil looking. Freak. Not so hot in the looks department either.
  15. Ya know, with all the problems I kinda sorta want the "old" TV back. The one that turned on and off period. I mean, it's just TV for heavens sake! Yup, mine is reseting too. All on it's own. Wait! That might be a good thing.
  16. It's back. But I missed "The View".
  17. Thanks guys. GD, I will go ahead and unplug but it would have been nice to have a recording when you call. Know what I mean?
  18. None of the boxes will turn on. Anyone else having this problem? Tried to call, busy, busy, busy.....
  19. This young man appears to be an over indulged, entitled, sick monster who has no care about right or wrong. Sad and scary. I wonder how much his family had to do with bringing him up.
  20. How cute. Looks like they had a blast!
  21. Be careful. Even if these claims are true if you were brought to court over it.....as you well know, litigation costs $$$$$$.
  22. I was at the gas station at 120 and 278 on Monday night (they sell it there too) and commented how awful I thought this "rag" is. A teen aged girl told me that she got a speeding ticket and the magazine published her picture with a DUI charge! Her picture was from her DL and not a booking picture. Needless to say she was very embarrassed. If her story is true or not, I don't know. Some of the people look like seasoned jailbirds but some look like normal everyday people. The point is that these folks have not been convicted of a crime. Before I would laugh to hard at their misfortunes, p
  23. Tried that once, just made a bigger mess. A much bigger mess.
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