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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. It has always been the SBD's that you tend to remember. Framed? My fanny!
  2. It should hit a nerve with you. I find it insensitive and disrespectful. Losing someone is hard enough without having a memory of their remains being disrespected. I really hope none of the immediate family had to witness this. I would, without question, crawl up into someone face over this.
  3. I'm not there yet (contrary to what some may think) but I thought this was pretty funny: With all the new technology regarding fertility recently, a 65-year-old friend of mine was able to give birth. When she was discharged from the hospital and went home, I went to visit. "May I see the new baby?" I asked. "Not yet," she said.... "I'll make coffee and we can visit for a while, first." Thirty minutes had passed, and I asked, "May I see the new baby now?" "No, not yet," she said. After another few minutes had elapsed, I asked again, "May I see the baby
  4. You are just not right....not right at all....
  5. Um...thanks SOOOOO much for sharing that! No, really, thanks just soooo much!
  6. Ladies. Ladies. Good, please tell her I was asking about her.
  7. Yeah really.....you know that we are just sick if we think that's funny don't ya?
  8. Haven't seen her on line in a while....anybody know where she is at? And if she is OK?
  9. Yeah Right!!!!! Poor, poor Guard Dad.... I say Poor, poor, poor RNG! That stuff is enough to make your hair curl and in the hot weather OMG!!!!
  10. Cause I get frustrated. Because it is just so ridiculous. Because I came on here to post about the fact that 162,000 jobs were added in March and they muddy the waters with political party BS. They can say anything they want but the fact remains that 162,000 jobs were added. I was talking to a friend and they asked me why I would want to be part of a situation that frankly, is pointless and also provides a platform for their rhetoric. Made sense to me to ask that it be shut down. Have a good night.
  11. Mods, please shut this down. These folks are much smarter, much better educated, and oh so much better informed than the major economists in this country.
  12. Yah! Finally.......a positive thinker! This forum makes me forget my good Irish Catholic upbringing......
  13. Oh I think lessons have been learned. The County elected Obama.
  14. Yes JLH, reading is information and you should READ the whole thread. No One is saying that the census jobs are not a portion of the March number.
  15. Really? I heard (per ABC) that it was estimated at 5 years. And where were we exactly BO News Junky? And the government is not the only one hiring, the private sector is enjoying some recent growth as well. You folks are just too much sometimes. The facts are all over the news....and it's good news. Or is it that it just isn't your good news? Are your politics getting in the way of your desire to see the country get on a better track? Be glad things are looking up. No, for the most part they were industry based.
  16. No Rays they are not, some are, yes but more that 100,000 are in the private sector. Now, isn't that good news?
  17. Illusion? Nah, and I don't think it is false hope. The numbers are improving. It's still a long way to go but it's better than going in reverse.
  18. Per a report on ABC news, economists are saying that we have turned a corner and while it will take a while to fully recover, it looks like we are on that road. And that is good news.
  19. Me either. I saw an interview with him, maybe about 3 years ago, and he looked pretty good for his age.
  20. You know sometimes I wonder if people just don't want to see a light at the end of the tunnel. However small. I can about guarantee that the people who got the cenus jobs sure were glad just for a job. You know, something to tide them over until something permanent comes up.
  21. Google New York Times, the story is on the front page. They are described as "nonfarm" jobs. Also, in the article it does mention that some of the jobs are created by the census and that they are, of course, temporary. I bet those people are just glad for the work. I just wanted to get some new news on the board for a change.
  22. The New York Times (I know, its many members bible) reported 162,000 new jobs in the USA in March. Maybe the sky isn't falling after all. Not this month anyway. Just wanted to pass on some good news.
  23. Anita (Neeta), I am sure that it has been a sad time for you but I'm not worried for your happiness you are the kind of gal that will pull through whatever is put on your plate! I just that in a gal. Good luck on your new venture!
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