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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. rockysmom


    I dont remember that there were all these neglected animals when the slaughter houses were open. In fact, the horse business was in pretty good shape. I dont think that horsemeat will become a popular alternative to the meats we eat now and most of it will be shipped overseas. I just dont see how this would create a bigger problem than we have now.
  2. Where is this post? I have a devil of a time posting pictures. Please share!
  3. There is a saying about cash..............
  4. Thank you for providing this site. I listened to the news one night, it was at least 4-5 months ago, and it was also Diane Sawyer, and when I heard the numbers needed to realize an impact, I was shocked! Really. $67.00? I'm in.
  5. That you go to all the work and expense just for your local community to come by and see what you have done blows me away. Happy Yule tide!
  6. Food. There are so many sites that will deliver it to their door. Good luck!
  7. Maybe the kid who was showing the instruction needs a talking to? I am sure he has no idea of the possibilities that his "sharing" could have.
  8. Hun, your THEY is a nut job. People do need help from time to time. Try not to let real need spill over to abuse. Scumbag low life's are everywhere and they know how to work it. This particular nut job was simply not taught any better. Does that make me feel bad for her? No, I'm more mad at the people who taught her.
  9. Again, congrats. You are such a pretty girl and you look happy. Good for you. BTW, hubby looks pretty happy too.
  10. I have come to the conclusion that you just have to worry about how you conduct yourself. If you worry about all the nut jobs out there you would go nuts! And then YOU would be the nut job. Hopefully, most are relatively happy without out of control rage issues. When I was a kid, we put them in a hospital, not a jail. Jail is just gonna be bragging rights.
  11. Me too! I just sit there and giggle as quietly as possible! :rofl:
  12. Well, it WAS a Walmart nail salon.
  13. This bag of nuts doesn't appear to be able to qualify for much. Except, of course, a public defender. I'll have you choking on chicken in the next few days! Yeah! .
  14. In Walmart???? A women is in jail over this. She asked for a public defender because "she is a single mother of two, one of which is disabled.". IMO...she's also a dumbass. Another woman has 10,000.00 worth of dental work as damages for this incident. Now me, I go to the nail salon and I say Ohhhhhhh, La, la. Chucking a plate in the general direction of another woman's mouth, somehow, doesn't enter my head. Poor kids.
  15. I'm sorry Grumps. I'm sorry about all of it.
  16. rockysmom


    Bet you are glad to be home for the holidays. Welcome back.
  17. Holy guacamole batman! Congrats........really, congrats.
  18. Yeah right......whatever. BOTH our TomToms have messed up. Remember make left turn, right into a tree?
  19. Frankly, I was amazed by your restrain. I wonder, do they clang when he walks?
  20. It just seems to me there has to be a better way. I read about people having trouble posting pictures all the time. Hey Pubby, maybe for Christmas? Huh? Hun?
  21. Very cool, LTD. Very cool. I hope you and yours have a blessed Thanksgiving Hun.
  22. Hells bells it is ONCE a year. Pull up your socks and deal with it.
  23. Hush you. You must have a camera that does it all by itself! I bet it resized it all by itself. Then, it would be easy but MOST of us don't have that feature. So, just hush your mouth.
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