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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. To me Mac & Cheese is one of those things that go either right out of the box (don't eat that crap) or it's five cheeses and white sauce. Ina Garten, barefoot contessa, has a really, really good one. Really good and it makes a lot but it's $$$$ cause of all the cheese.
  2. rockysmom


    I bet if you call them, they can at least point you in the right direction. Good luck and let us know how fabulous it came out.
  3. I totally agree. But Paulding.com does a lot of good as well. Really, this website, if nothing else, puts people in touch with the people need it. Sure, there are a bunch of scammers but overall, I think it works. I would be interested in p.com publishing all those that they have helped, just so everyone could see the impact. Disagreements at a political level just go on and on and they get hateful. And again, not for nothing, the untruths are the main reason I jumped into the PF.
  4. Ah thanks doll! I mean that too. Maybe, one day I'll get to shake your hand. I have heard that you are a very, very kind person. I like that in a person.
  5. BB, not for nothing but I really don't know what Paulding.com has to do with a individual post. You are a part of a member group and I'm not sure you can blame it on Paulding.com. Come on, you know you like it here!
  6. Congrats! On a couple of levels, you must have shown your son love and support for him to accomplish this. I am sure you are very proud. For your son, tell him that someone on p.com said
  7. This is what I found. http://www.rodale.com/brazilian-blowout-dangers Aren't there other, safer products?
  8. Sorry, it got busy around here. I think this may be the best show in a very long tims.
  9. Quick looks like this is gonna be the best ever!
  10. No snow!,,,,,, I am not ready to keep the horses up for days on end....I am so not ready to deal with frozen hoses, pipes and pumps! Not yet! Noooooo! I know it will come, just don't want it yet! Besides, I have a very fond memory of peeling Jordan off the rafters of the barn after being in for three days last year. NOT!
  11. That's great that you found an upside to chemo JJ. Just keep on keeping on Superdude.
  12. Wow JJ, glad she is OK! I bet she is just sick about her car through.
  13. Oh come on......she only had 11 childbirths that didn't involve a c section. Poor thing, when she turns 55 her guts are going to fall out.
  14. 815 voters from a pool of 4816? WOW.....folks are really in tune with their local government huh? What in the world is up with that?
  15. OK, I was starting to lose the faith.
  16. WHAT? A free pass to bust DGITW chops and NO ONE jumps in? I miss the days past.
  17. Maybe an intervention is in order?
  18. If I see either of my cats start to yawn, I run to the other side of the room. I have been told that cats have the filthiest mouths around. Their breath smells like it coming from the bowels of hell. To make matters worse, one of them loves to give kisses. Barf.
  19. Sorry, it's the iPad thing again.
  20. You and another poster should get together.....you would have a bunch to talk about. I never bought the child molester thing....he was a weirdo....very true, but I never got anything but people going for their millions. He was a drug head for a very long time But I do agree, he was a freak. Major childhood issues and lots of money to bury them.
  21. Hubby went thru this...looked and now, sounds bad. I am really sorry for those posting that they have a tie.
  22. Okey doke Tabby. Fairly uppidy for your Texan self. If you think I gave Herman a pass, you are out of your mind. You see, what I was dealing in was the reality of those years ago. If you say diffenent, you are not telling the truth. Most of your ranting can be addressd with what I said before,and that is "can anybody prove it?" If nobody can prove it......it did'nt happen. Calm down Tabby.
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