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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. What are the girls parents thinking? No way would I get my 8th grade daughter date a senior in high school. No way.
  2. I can't think that this discussion is real....I mean we all know to indulge children with the idea. I love it. It's all wrapped in tradition and I love it. Childrens eyeballs get real big....and that's what it is all about. To me, I think the teacher should stay out of it. I also don't think that parents should look to the school to create their families traditions. It should be something created and perpetuated by the family and if little Johnnie comes home confused, hopefully there are parents that have enough sense and smarts to deal with it.
  3. Well put and I could not agree more. PERSUASION TOOL? They are still doing that?
  4. But they could be your neighbors. And you don't know if they are your friends. They could be your parents bosses for all you know. Calm down anyway.
  5. Dana, calm down Hun. It's the Yuletide season. Put forth some good tidings to your neighbors and friends.
  6. We have a pond so we see more snakes than most. Solo killed one once, I mean she cut it's head off! :blink: But every time I see a snake, unless it's a copperhead, cause they are browns and Greys and look like they are grinning at you, I ask myself is it safe? I think I will remember the green, black thing. Thanks.
  7. Yup. I see her now. Ya know LPPT, she looks great! I am happy for both of you. You, cause it does your heart good. Rosie, cause I am sure she is such a happy girl now. Good for you girlie girl! Making a difference is very, very good for your heart. I am sure she adores you both.
  8. Hold on now....BB is not a bully and she would not employ goons. It's just your turn in the barrel Hun.
  9. Thanks for posting a positive thread LPPT. It was good to see.
  10. rockysmom


    Tack. The only horse I've ever heard about that was stolen, was stolen from a horse show.
  11. rockysmom


    Yes, I am a subscriber to that website as well. Unless you have a high dollar performer, I would not worry too much about it. I have never had anything stolen. Every boarding barn I was ever at had stuff stolen but on a personal level, at my house, I've never had anything stolen. Wait! I take that back.....I had about 60bales of hay stolen. It had to be someone that was here and perhaps kinda, sorta, a friend. Aren't horse people grand?
  12. rockysmom


    That is the ugly part of horse racing and a inbred part of the industry. Most, not all are desperate. Do what I did, put locks on your pasture gates.
  13. rockysmom


    It is sad but I really could not agree more. They have to go somewhere and I would rather see it happen in a controlled circumstance. As opposed to the Mexican slaughter houses. I can not even think about what goes on there.
  14. rockysmom


    OK Tabby, so what is your point? Your original post indicated that if we processed horse meat for export that somehow we would end up eating our dogs and cats.
  15. rockysmom


    Really, if the only meat I could get was horse meat then ............pass the corn and salad please.
  16. rockysmom


    I am asking you if you are seriously equating equine and canine and feline. I am asking you if you think people would eat horse meat AND dog meat, cat meat as a food source? Seems to me that Americans would not, for the most part, eat horse meat, never mind Fido or Fluffy and you know it.
  17. rockysmom


    Seriously? Horses are livestock. Dogs and cats are not. Disposing of a dog or cat is very, very different than disposing of a dead horse. And a whole lot less brutal.
  18. rockysmom


    STILL love your GNAT! :rofl:
  19. rockysmom


    Well, when you look at the transport, I guess it makes sense. I can't believe that I am siding with Pita, but on this issue, I have to.
  20. rockysmom


    Looks like Peta approves: http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/nationnow/2011/12/peta-horse-slaughter.html
  21. rockysmom


    I disagree. I am going to assume what you saw in Alabama was a flood of horses into the market and once the frenzy was over, I am sure there were alot more neglected animals. This is about having a use for these unwanted animals. Besides, the racing business is a whole world onto itself. And it is :wacko:
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