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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. I watched that video and I was just so angry. Such disrespect, such snot nosed brats, such sadness that this woman had to just it there and take it. Just sad. I do hope she gets a bunch of money. I would like to think of her next to a pool in some fabulous resort, with a piña colada in her hand....and a smile on her face.
  2. Point is that everyone pays in and everyone benefits.
  3. I get what you are saying and nobody has ever given me anything....we worked for what we wanted. BUT let me ask you this, your son is in special classes right? Why should I have to pay anything towards that? I have no children so why should I have to pay any school tax at all?
  4. So you don't want to pay any taxes for the general good at all? Where is this the case?
  5. It's all very confusing and when you add all the ranting and raving it gets nuts. Here is an article I found that pretty much cuts to the chase. http://money.cnn.com/2012/06/28/pf/health-care-reform-insurance/index.htm
  6. I'm sorry, I don't do Facebook so I can't vote. Best of luck!
  7. Thanks so much for your help with the shirts, they look great!
  8. I think you may be right....that he's a Christian I mean. That's the first laugh I've had all day...thanks.
  9. I heard there is now a pottery shop in downtown Dallas. I haven't made it there yet but I plan to go.
  10. This is VERY important! If you keep a look out you would have an impact. I can't help with this because out here cars are very noticed by everyone on this road. Like a sore thumb. Cheers to the OP for posting this information. :clapping:
  11. That just makes me sad. I loved her work. RIP Nora...you were a very important influence in a couple of different areas.
  12. See, I'm pretty easygoing and try not to invite a major confrontation with anyone. BUT, I have a hard time with people who feel the need to create worry for me just so things are good for them. Talk to the parents and try to do it with a smile on your face. Good luck. Hope it works out.
  13. So many tales about this place. From what I've heard, the rent being charged pretty much dooms any new business from the jump. I guess 100% of nothing is better than 50% of something. Just doesn't make sense to me. Maybe the owner has a write off on the losses on this property. I don't know.
  14. Yup. Btw, I have never heard of or seen anyone mix their PB with their jelly. You'se are just weird.
  15. Just checking. Ahem, you ARE a man right? Does that mean you have man boobs?
  16. Lots and lots of bears! Used to trail ride up there.
  17. Do you do that before or after nursing? Just curious.
  18. No, I don't believe she did.....I've heard of it before. Isn't it kind of like muscadines?
  19. OMG!!! Batten down the hatches! Them foreigners are coming!
  20. Well, I guess I'll just skip that place. It is very peaceful out here but I do feel isolated sometimes. The driving doesn't bother me too much. Its made me get better with leaving with enough time so when I met friends I'll be on time. Friends, you know who you are....
  21. I've asked about that place a couple of times but no one responded. Please share some info!
  22. Not entirely true. See attached. http://www.mexico501.com/buying-land-in-mexico-as-a-foreigner/52/
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