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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. Shoes - fronts only, trimmed back feet $70.00 per horse every six to eight weeks Vet - intinial vet check with yearlys $170.00 approx. Grain - I get 15 scoops per 50 pound bag. My feed costs close to $18.00 per bag. I get good quality feed cause my guys are older. Hay - $6.50 to $15.00 per bale. Hay goes from A to Z and freaking everywhere in between. Stalled horses need bedding. $6.00 a bag, after the intinial set up of 5-6 bales, it will take approx. 3 bales a week to maintain. Worming - $10 - $15 every three months per horse. Good luck.
  2. I just don't get it.....at all. It's really disheartening.
  3. ^^^^^ Redneck response. Yep.......aren't you proud of your supporters Mr. Health?
  4. You just leave New York out of this....it has nothing to do with this mess that you supported.
  5. Went early afternoon to Ragsdale. Seemed like a pretty steady flow of voters at that time.
  6. The effects on the kids is one thing but I'll tell you what, the effect of stereotyping of the south is another. If I was born and raised here, I would be raising heck with TLC for perpetuating a degrading image. It makes Winder, as well as the state look really, really, really bad.
  7. I'll pass it on to Mr. RM doll. :wub:
  8. Me too! I do love our place, it will work you half to death but it's pretty and peaceful. I think of it as a refuge of sorts.
  9. Wendy! Have Pubby put a Yankee in Paulding topic on the first page! Yeah that's it....... It's a start...
  10. Gee, ya think they really don't like Yankees? Hummmmmmmmm.
  11. I don't know why it is like that. I can tell you, the only friends I've made here, who I care about for real, I met through p.com. Everyone hangs with their family and that's fine. I don't guess we have a lot in common anyway...pretty isolating but eight out of ten times, I can make my own fun. I'm pretty much a happy person by nature so....it used to get me down but it doesn't anymore. If my local fun craps out, I either import the fun or I go to the fun.
  12. Well, for me? I am so greatful for every morning I wake up in Paulding County.
  13. I'll meet you....I'll bring the Shepard.
  14. I like Shananigans answer better.
  15. Thanks for letting us know. I love info like this cause it involves a quick weekend getaway! I will absolutely keep this in mind cause actually, Birmingham is a place I've often thought about exploring. I'm trying to talk my husband into a trip to Cherokee, I hear they have really stepped up and I'd like to see what they've done. It will be fun.
  16. Good. It's not cute and it's not funny...it's your kid dummy.
  17. Go to Michaels and pick a shadow box frame. Gather the things that would be cool for your Dad to see as memories of his memories. Mom of 3 had good ideas. Stare at it for a long, long time. Max it out at 1 and 1/2 hour. It will happen, just put the love in your heart. if the first try doesnt work....there is always a second try. Seriously, relax, its a tribute from your heart....just let it show and it will be great. P. S. pretty cool for you to do this. Good luck.
  18. Well BB, since you asked so nice.....you got it.
  19. I saw an interview with his wife the day before yesterday and she said that they will not be releasing any more tax returns. I guess we will see.
  20. It said that the movie could not be loaded....maybe cause I'm on the IPad?? Anyway, have a good night.
  21. PM, I love you hon but that was late 70's kind of sappy.
  22. Low rent stuff. Gee, I heard you kick puppies.
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