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Everything posted by FreeBird

  1. here is an event this weekend: http://www.coosa.org/floyd-medical-center-drug-drop-off/view
  2. Postman, you may also be interested in Hike Naked day - always on first day of summer.
  3. I think it means that apple now has products that match technology by other manufacturers that has been around already for 12+ months.
  4. FreeBird


    send them aid yet the president describes them as neither friend nor foe?
  5. I went through there yesterday around 1:00 and they were boring under the street. I guess that is what caused the issue.
  6. Does it have a XP mode option like Win7 Pro and above?
  7. P.S. I am one of the "church people" and I could care less about being able to buy beer on Sunday.
  8. why would they want to delay it if it means more sales tax on Sunday? Are they afraid of the church people?
  9. They will be happy when all us infidels are dead.
  10. Okay, if it is a brain development issue then go back to the care givers (parents, I assume )that did not know where they where. Heavy fines, clean up of the school, and jail time seems fair and may get the attention of other parents that they need to be responsible for their kids.
  11. “This type of reckless behavior will not be tolerated in Paulding County Schools. We will investigate and arrest anyone that defaces school property”. But... will the punishment fit the crime? That is the problem. The shenanigans and "punishment" that went on last year did not leave a good enough impression to deter further crimes.
  12. Several times in Senator's Ridge I have noticed one truck dumping both containers in same area in the back of the truck. Hence the question. Why pay for this service that is not a service based on what I have seen?
  13. If you use Waste Industries for trash and recycling service do you pay for the recycling portion? If so, why since they do not separate and dump into same truck?
  14. I guess you guys have not run into "new math." I have a minor in math but struggle to help my 6th grader learn math the way he is being taught. I am glad I have an 8th grader in the house to bail me out.
  15. I am looking forward to Revolution on NBC.
  16. here is the digest: https://etax.dor.ga.gov/PTD/cds/csheets/millrate.aspx I think it is based on where you live and the value of the vehicle. I don't know why it would change based on moving in the county. May be different if you moved in or out of one of the city municipalities. Try to pay it online and see if that system lets you get anywhere.
  17. I heard the radio traffic on this yesterday. The dispatcher told the officers that he has done this (10-44 attempts/threats) in the past.
  18. do you recall how much per pound they are at Sams? I'm looking at 140 pounds or so.
  19. Gordon has much nicer women than you clowns could ever dream of!
  20. I've been tasked to smoke some pork for my church the end of September. Called West Metro Market as well as Patak in Powder Springs. Can anyone else put me onto a source for Boston butts? In the past I purchased from Patak as well as Municipal Market downtown Atlanta.
  21. bring a good "hell yeah" so you can fit in with the rednecks! If you are not a JR fan, then be careful of wearing your favorite driver's colors. Last race I went to - 2004 at Talladega Jeff Gordon won under caution just ahead of JR. All the reds pelted my FIL and I with beer cans because we had Gordan shirts and hats. Pretty scary and the last time NASCAR got any of my money.
  22. Check with the store - maybe they have video surveillance of the parking lot that may help you ID the culprit.
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