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Everything posted by FreeBird

  1. Postman, it may be due to the liberal BS that you are drawn to - it tends to be geared to make you feel dumber and in need of the all-mighty federal government. Try investigating things on your own instead of using Rachel Maddox and see that you can think for yourself.
  2. Dallas UMC delivers meals on Wednesday before thanksgiving. Have worked that one with my sons in the past.
  3. check out this one too: http://stg.do/9LDc from Paul Harvey back in the 60s.
  4. no - cuts have to be made in order to get debt under control. Under current budgets and cost cutting measures expected to take place on January 1 that means that large defense contractors like Lockheed should notify their employees 60 days out and follow the WARN act. Why did Obama not want Lockheed to follow the law?
  5. The facts are that Lockheed began the process to notify their employees of layoffs beginning the end of October per law under the WARN act (60 days notification). Of course the current administration couldn't have that so they pressured Lockheed to not announce the lay offs and that any required employee pay and benefits would be covered at tax payer expense after January 1. Here is just one supporting article: http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/politics/2012/10/at-white-house-request-lockheed-martin-drops-plan-to-issue-layoff-notices/ As for taking the employees under a new job of "being
  6. Obama's solution will be for all the Boeing and Lockheed employees to become "government employees" (aka on the unemployment role) so he can add to his number of new jobs created. 5.2 million+!!!! And yes, I have friends that work at Lockheed and they are expecting the layoffs due to defense budget trimming. Too bad it didn't come at the end of October when, legally it should have.
  7. appeared to be only the selection of the choice- not the actual casting of a ballot. Funny how the person did not place the bottom of their finger on the screen but appeared to be trying to select with a fingernail. I can easily see how this would be difficult to do for an obama voter.
  8. if a new stadium is needed for the luxury boxes that will attract big corporate money, then I'd want to see everyone sign on the dotted line with long term contracts before any public funding is provided
  9. pretty weak schedule coming up - my bet is they are one and done in the playoffs.
  10. so you signed a contract through April for discounted pricing and then changed the service? If so, then it makes sense that they would want the savings that they passed onto you when you sign the contract that was then broken by you.
  11. no - George Bush is responsible and everyone that drives a fossil fuel car - according to Al Gore....
  12. oh my, looks like Al Gore was right after all!
  13. I figured it would be the 49.1% moocher class?
  14. Anyone use a Samsung Brightside phone on Verizion? If so, is it a dependable phone?
  15. Okay, maybe I should have used the word "associations" instead of union. The Professional Association of Georgia Educators (PAGE), founded in 1975, is the largest organization for professional educators in the state, with more than 83,000 educators, administrators and school support personnel members. Following is a list of organizations who stand against Amendment 1: GAEL - Georgia Association of Educational Leaders Georgia Association of Educators Georgia Association of School Psychologist GMEA - Georgia Music Educators Assocation GPTA - Georgia Parent Teacher Associ
  16. oh well, let the NJ citizens wait and freeze in the dark a few more nights thanks to union-knuckleheads. I am sure the AL crews can find other areas to help.
  17. If there is one less kid in the local, regular, school that moved over the then new charter school then you don't need to go the expense of educating an empty seat do you?
  18. I think it is a known fact that students that leave a particular school to attend a charter school have higher test scores than the school they left. I would draw the conclusion that the charter school's methods are getting results. Amendment 1 would require that the local community request the establishment of a charter school. There is no room for local intimdation of any organized group. Honestly, what told me to vote yes was all the teachers in my neighborhood putting up their vote no signs in defiance of the local HOA covenants. If the union says no then I know it must be go
  19. the article "googled for information" so it must be true.
  20. The teacher's union is going so hard against it then that is all I have to know in order to vote yes for it. What happens if the local community wants to support a charter school but the school board is afraid of the teacher's union? They block the charter school. The commission will allow an unbiased opinion on allowing the local charger school.
  21. the telephony adapter would only be needed if you went with comcast provided voice service. Otherwise, just a data modem like the Motorola is fine. Majicjack or vonage, etc. would work with the Motorola without issues.
  22. your service needs to be able to support DOCSIS 3.0 - I know the Rome Comcast system that support north end of the county does. Do you need a telephony adapter too? If so, then I just got an Arris TM722G off of ebay for $99 and it worked fine. You can go to this link to see what is supported. The Motorola SB6120 is a good unit (just no voice support.) http://mydeviceinfo.comcast.net/
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