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Everything posted by amanda_rip

  1. The sky is almost black over here in Kennesaw.
  2. And his GI Joes will be her Barbies' boyfriends....
  3. :wub: Congratulations! Welcome to Team Pink!
  4. I always buy mine from the guy on 41 between Ruby Tuesday and Wachovia (I think that's which bank is right there...). They always seem to have 2-3 cars stopped to buy.
  5. Las Palmas! Us 'Toy Ladies' have a meeting tonight! any of you ladies 18+ should come!
  6. I wish that was MY delimma. Mine is not being able to afford it in the first place.
  7. I wanna know what's up with that red smiley face with the X's for eyes in the middle of 61N right near Dabbs Bridge.
  8. What you do IS a job. Your second paragraph is EXACTLY what I was trying to say.
  9. I can't blame people for wanting to keep what they've worked for, but how can you see someone who is TRULY in need and not want to help? I WISH I had more to give people who TRULY needed it.
  10. I don't view the person who didn't work as 'selfish'. I view them as lazy. ETA: Assuming they aren't working for what they want and still feel entitled to have it.
  11. There's a Stevi B's on 41 and 278...and I live in the middle.
  12. After reading this thread, I want a Stevi B's Cheeseburger pizza so bad I could eat it for a week!
  13. The last time we went was Christmas week. It was right on the line between warm and cool...some days were jeans and a tee shirt, some days were shorts and a jacket. It was nice.
  14. The very first time we went was 14 years ago. My siblings were 10, 6, and 4, and I was 7. We went the first week of June and it just so happened to be gay pride week! None of us kids noticed it while we were there, but when you go back and watch our vacation video, you see some funny stuff!
  15. I don't know which it will be! I can't wait to find out! I already know part of your gift whether it's a boy or girl.
  16. We've always camped at the campground, but camping is one of our family's favorite things to do. I'm trying to budget a trip so we can start saving, and right now it looks like we'll be staying at the All-Star Movies or Music or Sports....and I think Pop Century falls into that category, too.
  17. Now that's funny!! You trying to knock somebody over with that belly!! Watch out! I'm a dancin' fool! Hey coupon clippers! I saved $360 today without even using a coupon!!!!!
  18. Ok---it's definitely not the BEST thing that's EVER happened to me.... ...I was getting stressed trying to find a stroller and car seat for Ava bc the travel system I wanted was recalled. My boss just found a brand new, still in the box, Phil & Ted's Sport Stroller for $90 at a consignment store in Austell!!!! Those suckers retail for $450!!!! :yahoo: Anyone wanna do a happy dance with me!?!?
  19. Little A turned 5 two weeks after school started. (August 30) We knew she was ready for Kindergarten. It's really up to you. If you feel like your child is ready, go ahead. I'm glad we sent Little A....she would have been BORED in PreK right now!
  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FeEGKKlszrQ
  21. He posted on my FB yesterday. He's still around.
  22. Whoever broke into it sure did hit the motherload!
  23. Each daycare comes up with its own inclement weather plan....you should contact yours to see what it is. Some go by the school schedule, while others make their own call.
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