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Everything posted by amanda_rip

  1. Every now and then the cartilage at the top of my ear will get irritated from wearing posts and I have to put in hoops with no backs. It definitely does work.
  2. heart-shape-on-belly-DISliker!!!
  3. Yeah---I like watching her move around. Hubby and Little A do, too.
  4. It's funny you mention the sex, NC----the ultrasound says girl, but ALL the wives tales and the chinese gender charts say boy. We BETTER NOT get a surprise!
  5. Isn't eggplant one of those foods that makes you go #2?
  6. My BFF had hers the day after she ate there.
  7. That's what I say! Maybe the parm part!
  8. :wub: The 21st is our Anniversary. I really would like for her to be born next week, and not when she's due since that would put her right in the middle of Valentine's Day and our Anniversary. Eggplant.
  9. :shok: Please, no! Awesome...well...my 38th week starts Friday, so bring it! Ya know, we actually have a lot of stuff to do on Saturday, so that would probably be when she comes.
  10. Oh good grief, Shan! I REFUSE to guess! I want her to be here yesterday and not be huge.
  11. Alllatoona is right around the corner from there.
  12. Aaah! I know! 16 days is too long, though.....send 'early' vibes my way, please! I want her to be born next week, and hubby has said it will be the 11th for some reason.
  13. Well, in GEA's defense, she said she would count change before she would have Bert Brows....not starve her son. I am positively sure that feeding her son would come before even feeding herself if it came down to it.
  14. My cell----and not just my cell...the internet on my cell.....it's an extra $30/mo, but my personal and business emails go straight to ME....I don't have to find a computer to check them. I could live without cable....but not internet.
  15. They'll be out of school for a whole week the week after next. They've just been back to school for what? 3 weeks? 4? I don't think that's an excuse for their behavior. They're old enough to know better.
  16. NC, I didn't read all the replies, but we have Dish in 2 rooms and only have one box....but we can still record in the second room and watch it in the first.
  17. Yes, but we're saving any celebrating for our Anniversary so we don't fight Valentine's traffic/marked-up prices, etc..... That's the date DH said she would get here. Weird.
  18. NOOOOO!!!! ABSOLUTELY NOT! I'm already not too fond of her due date. Don't throw Valentine's into the mix.
  19. Hubby and I have agreed not to exchange gifts or go out for Valentine's Day since our anniversary is a week later. We will be getting Little A (and Ava if she's here) something, though.
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