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Coppertop's Pop

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Everything posted by Coppertop's Pop

  1. Smear campaign? Folks in David's corner have thrown Todd Pownall under the bus, yet it is David who misled the voters. I'm hoping and praying this airport debacle will come to a grinding halt. Hooray for the lawyers who represent the people. David wil get booted out of office soon, but heaven only knows how much damage he has caused.
  2. I disagree. Commissioner Austin point blank said Todd "couldn't be trusted" implying Todd wasn't told about the secret deal had been worked out with the three other commissioners and the airport authority. Todd was intentionally kept in the dark by David, how can you put any blame on Todd? David is the one who can't be trusted, David is the one who ran his race for office on one platform, yet turned his back on the folks who helped elect him. David is the one who misled Todd and the rest of us too.
  3. Traffic going towards Marietta/Windy Hill seems to have picked up significantly. Each day, I sit sit in traffic and say to myself it's good folks are getting back to work. For a year or two, I could zoom right into work with no traffic at all. Good luck to those searching for a position. Maybe there will be some opportunities near the Galleria area and the new Braves complex. I'm sure somebody's gonna make some money over that way.
  4. This makes my day...hopefully Delta and the City Of Atlanta folks can tie this up in court for 25 years. They surely have deep enough pockets to bring this mess to a halt through the courts (or raise campaign funds for a few candidates to beat David and his good ol' boys and then bring this mess to a halt). This is gonna be good,,,, :yahoo: :yahoo:
  5. http://www.ajc.com/ap/ap/entertainment/2-shot-at-tampa-bay-area-movie-theater/ncmZp/ Two people were shot after a dispute over cell phone use during a movie... It could have been avoided if the one guy hadn't brought a gun to a movie theater or if the other guy hadn't been rude by using a cell phone at the movies. Don't you just love rude people who text at the movies?
  6. There are four commissioners who kept Todd in the dark and out of the loop regarding the backroom airport deal, which sits in Todd's district. David Austin flat out said Todd couldn't be trusted. We'll I'd trust Todd over Dirty David Austin any day of the week. And that goes for the rest of them too. I hope lawyers will drag out this court fight for the next 40 years. I DON'T WANT 737's LANDING IN PAULDING COUNTY. Vote for TONY.
  7. I'd suggest the Embassy Suites in Kennesaw. Sure, it's a small drive, but much nicer than anything here in Dallas/Hiram.
  8. zero-tolerance is zero common sense. I'm all for a suspension vs expulsion.
  9. It's raining cats and dogs here, but the thunder and lightning seems off in the distance to me... I live in Dallas near Ingles on Merchants Dr.
  10. Kim was a beautiful gal with a great family and a great future. It's so sad. I'm sure Sparkles will go to prison and justice will be served, but I wish we still had public hangings.
  11. http://www.ajc.com/news/news/woman-indicted-in-ksu-students-shooting-death/ncjhj/ My sons went to school with the Kilgore girls and were shocked at this senseless tragedy. Here's the store from AJC.com A Cobb County grand jury has indicted the 22-year-old woman accused of killing a college student because of road rage, the county’s district attorney said Friday. Sparkles Lashayla Lindsey, 22, is charged with malice murder, two counts of felony murder, aggravated assault, possession of a firearm by a convicted felon, and possession of a firearm during commission of a felon
  12. I'll assume you didn't go to college to wind up spinning wrenches on lawnmowers. From what I recollect, the lawnmower repairs are a fall back in case the primary job slowed down. Follow the money. I'd personally work the full time job as long as possible, but piddle with lawnmowers on a cash only basis, when and if I felt like it. Don't let a small lawnmower tune up interfere with your full time career. Good luck...
  13. I still hope Delta's lawyers can stop this debacle. Paulding voters don't want Hiram & Dallas to turn into Riverdale and College Park... but that's what WILL happen if the commercialization of the airport is shoved down our throat. Thank goodness Todd is standing up to the special interest groups. Too bad David and his buddies have sold us ALL out. Maybe Todd will run for Chairman and strip all funding for this mess.
  14. we've kept a fire going wide open for three days now....thankfully we haven't had any frozen pipes or power outages...
  15. I still hope the lawsuit will stop this madness...
  16. Many years ago I used to cut up with my mom because her bones would ache when it rained or turned cold...I just told her she was getting old and cantankerous..... Some years later I broke my leg playing ball, now when a cold front starts coming in, my bones throb and ache... I suppose I shouldn't have told my momma she was just being old and cantankerous...I'm eating crow big time.
  17. I still hope lawyers for Delta & the City of Atlanta can stop this debacle. Chairman Austin has a duty to keep the citizens informed, and he's let us all down and sold us out. He needs to be booted out of office...along with Graham, Barnett and Carmichael too.
  18. At our place not far from Fackler, Alabama, folks live in motor homes sitting up on bricks and in shacks where you can see daylight through the tin roof. One old boy had an old school bus with drop cord running to it. Granted, it's a more of a hunting area with plenty of deer and turkeys, the folks in Bama don't want folks who don't live up there snooping around. Kinda like it ought to be everywhere...busybody neighbors who have too much time on their hands tend to tattle. BTW, what folks do on their own property is generally nobody's business... Unless they put an airport and send me the
  19. I'm a huge Bama fan, but they didn't look good at all last night in the Sugar Bowl....but I suppose you can't win them all.
  20. i would like a list of the businesses who support the airport...so I can do business with their competitors!
  21. If your close personal friends also happen to be screwing the citizens by spending millions on an airport that nobody wants (in backroom deals and having the taxpayers foot the bill for the attorney fees to boot)...then the shoe must fit. Don't take it personal, it's just most of us choose friends who aren't liars and thieves.
  22. I agree... I've been shafted by these " we love ya and we need ya" folks for the last time...
  23. Only 363 days left till Christmas...
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