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Coppertop's Pop

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Everything posted by Coppertop's Pop

  1. One of my uncles was a helicopter pilot, shot down in the Vietnam War, he did manage to live while others in his crew perished. My best friend's father was killed in the Vietnam war in April of '68. Many in my family served proudly in the military, yet they came back to a society that basically spit on them. It's been 40 years since the fall of Saigon, yet I'm still angry.
  2. I have a co-worker who's always telling his grossest medical issues to anyone and everyone who'll listen. Not stuff like an ear ache or the flu, but stuff like hemorrhoids and diarrhea and now he's scheduled to get a colonoscopy and blah blah blah When I have to go to the doctor and get the rubber glove, the last thing I want to do is tell folks it’s my time for the rubber glove. I simply say "out Sick today"
  3. There are a lot of things our County has gotten right, but quite frankly the way Mr. Morrison has been wronged by the county is embarrassing. I suspect he's got a fair reason not to trust the elected officials of this county to make things right, Many of us want to see positive commercial growth. We need better roads, schools, highways, bridges, interstate access, etc. I'd love to see expansion of our industrial parks...why not try to get a locomotive maintenance facility to relocate here..?. Shipping and receiving, warehouses, loading docs and maintenance facilaites are a huge business.
  4. I too was in the boosters with Todd & Julie and Stradial and Moejoefoe and countless others. We had some pretty good times from band camp all the way to the Bands of America competition at the Dome. The kids are grown now and as I look back, I'm glad I was part of it. Stradial is a stand up guy... and whomever has a bone to pick with him, has a bone to pick with many of us. btw, I don't know toxic or Mike Jones either, but again, Stradial is a stand up guy...
  5. I've been called a moron, and idiot and probably a few other words that can't be repeated in this forum. I am a cancer survivor and I got through it without getting stoned on marijuana to relieve the pain. And to get this bill passed by saying "it's for the children"...it's a pathetic abuse of power in my opinion. How many will abuse the system? look out west and see the benefits for a few are far outweighed by the negative consequences for the masses.
  6. How many folks wil now have a "seizure disorder" to get to go puff puff on them left handed cigarettes? What a freakin joke. Marijuana is a drug ...a gateway drug that leads to other very powerful and very addictive drugs...cocaine, heroine, meth. etc.... I didn't vote for Deal, but surely he has enough sense to put a stop to this one. If you puff on marijuana, you are a criminal.
  7. The right wing folks get all worked up in a frenzy over the likes of Hannity and Limbaugh, yet remain silent when it comes to giving tax breaks to multi-billion dollar businesses. (think of oil companies and even the NFL) .. Tax Tax and Tax some more... that's the republicans for you... while they're raising taxes, they'll divert your attention away by beating the drums against gay marriage or aboortzion or other social matters. You pay attention to one thing and turn a blind eye towards another..
  8. Umm ... Wasn't it Republican Speaker of the Georgia House David Ralston l who's pushing hard to raise the gas tax ? Again, Republican Governor Nathan Deal is who recently kicked thousands of school bus drivers and cafeteria workers off their state medical insurance. It's Republicans Davis Austin, Carmichael, Barnett and Graham who shoved this airport business right down our throat. (even though residents are overwhelmingly opposed).and the movie studio too...... Republikkklans have let Georgia hit rock bottom in our education system... Isn't Georgia ranked 49th?. Every major office in Ge
  9. Folks grumble and cuss about the democrats, yet it's Republikkklan leadership who's about to raise your gas tax It's Republikkklans who recently kicked thousands of school bus drivers and cafeteria workers off their state medical insurance. It's Republikkklans who shoved this airport business right down our throat. (even though residents are overwhelmingly opposed. It's Republikkklans who are against reducing greenhouse gases and increasing fuel efficiency standards. It is Republikkklans have let Georgia hit rock bottom in our education system. President Obama inherited an economy in fr
  10. On our way home from Joan's Restaurant, we were stopped by a huge house fire. The single family home was fully engulfed in flames and the fire dept was on the scene. The house was on the opposite side of the road from where Creekside, and the Paulding.com's office. It's kinda way up in the woods. I was hoping someone could post pics.
  11. My 1st computer was a Tandy (from Radio Shack)...It only had floppy disks, a 512K memory, no hard drive, no mouse, it ran MS-DOS...those were the good ol' days.
  12. Seriously, who watches that kind of stuff? I don't particularly watch movies or much television. Why is it front page news what kind of revealing outfit so and so wore or what kind of reaction people had when this guy won the award over that guy? I'm sick of the garbage coming out of Hollywood and I've basically decided to cut off the TV and live an outdoors life. I'd rather do yard work or house work or go for long walks in the woods. In the evenings, my wife and I sit down and play cards or checkers, etc. This weekend I went to four different flea markets and didn't watch any TV...
  13. I'm very pro-union. I applaud the union for standing up for the workers.... Too many companies are eliminating benefits, health insurance, pensions, etc. Screwing the workers leads to lower productivity, not more profits for the stockholders. Low morale and high turnover actually costs companies more in the long run that paying above-average market wages. Duh.
  14. I don't know why, but I just don't like Urban Meyer. But I will say he's a good coach, but he's kinda like Steve Spurrier...you either like him or you don't. Gotta give Ohio State credit though.... their 3rd string QB leads the Buckeye's to the championship....
  15. All permits, licenses, etc need to come to a HALT until the airpot debacle is stopped....a few developers might then take King David golfing and get his mind right. ....Until the airport is stopped...no other business should progress....no more building permits, liquor licenses, no more anything until David comes to his senses. Ifthat takes a full 4 years till he's booted out of office, then so be it.
  16. Coach Smith will probably be fired after the game...... What about hiring John Gruden or even Coach Harbaugh from the 49ers? Speaking of the Falcons....Jaquizz Rogers is too small, we need a good running back and offensive and defensive line...
  17. Gone With the Wind was on TV again last evening....every time the yankees burn Atlanta, I still get mad
  18. My son is in college and works part-time at Ingles in Dallas ... and they are open today. So please drop by Ingles and keep him really busy. and if you want to donate to his college fund, that'll be ok too. By the way Stradial...did your wife ever find the bag of flour?
  19. We generally love some of the restaurants in PCB, whether its a small place like Scampy's or a larger place like Angelo's or Boondocks.... but this time, I suppose the foul stench just didn't make the trip really enjoyable for me.
  20. Last week, we spent a couple days at Panama City Beach on the end near Thomas Drive & Surf Drive and while the beach was pretty and the water was clear, there was a foul smelling stench in the air. A strong sulfur smell like rotten eggs...yuck Further when we went out to dinner at a nice restaurant, the Iced tea had a funky taste to it. Needless to say, the rest of the trip was bottled water or cokes (with no ice). To be honest, I'm very glad to be back home.
  21. Effective Jan 1st, the three commissioners Pownall, Collett & Crowe should vote NO on every single item until this airport debacle is resolved (STOPPED). No more liquor licenses, building permits, no more new construction, NOTHING, not even a high 5 for the Boy Scouts....no more votes of any kind whatsoever should pass until the airport is bulldozed and planted with sunflowers. When the fat cat developers can't build, after a while, they'll ring ol' David's phone and stop this nonsense.
  22. https://paulding.paytaxes.net/customer/enhanced_property_tax_search.php My tax bill amount went up slightly....not enough to worry about. What did your tax bill look like compared to last year?
  23. http://abcnews.go.com/International/american-general-killed-shooting-afghan-military-academy/story?id=24843479 I'm sick of our guys getting shot at while we train their army. Why do continue to build schools and road and bridges in Afghanistan? Why not nuke 'em ? 12 years is long enough...bring our troops home!
  24. http://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/tv/christian-groups-violently-offended-black-jesus-series-article-1.1879233 Hollywood loves making movies and television programs making fun of Jesus, yet they don't have the guts to make movie critical of Islam and Mohammed....regarding the Black Jesus Show, according to the article above, ...“The foul language used in the trailer, including using the Lord's name in vain, is disgusting,”..... In addition, there is violence, gunfire and other inappropriate gestures which completely misrepresent Jesus. This is blasphemy!” Further, the Gayst
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