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Coppertop's Pop

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Everything posted by Coppertop's Pop

  1. It looks like the unofficial vote has the incumbent Devey losing by 7 votes to Philyaw. Hopefully these results will stand and voters boot out another airport supporter.
  2. I live near the Merchant's Drive area in Dallas...unfortunately, the area seems to be heading downwards. We have title pawns, liquor stores, tattoo shops, junky looking used car lots and of course apartments. Over time, each of these tend to decrease property values of surrounding homes. The areas I think will do well is near the new hospital (commercial development) and the north end of the county near Burnt Hickory/Cedarcrest/ Seven Hills ...More higher end residential developments. The commissioners currently won't pressure the Marshal's office to be proactive. they only respond to
  3. ESPN is so politically correct, they now have female announcers in the broadcast booth for many baseball and football games. I like to hear former professional ball players giver their expertise, not some woman who's never played the game. Stop already, they're ruining the broadcast. Would you want a man doing a Kotex commercial? I doubt it.
  4. For the folks who don't get on facebook, can you elaborate as to what was mentioned in the motion? Exactly what is going on?
  5. I've been all over North Georgia, but in a couple of weeks, when the leaves start to peak, I'd like to go over towards Noccalula Falls and then maybe up towards Little River Canyon. The temperature will be dropping soon and the drive up into Northeastern Alabama is pretty quiet and relaxing.
  6. Everyone knows if you want to get favorable treatment from the governing authority, you have to grease the local politician. Cash money in a paper sack. It's been working for decades, why change anything now? It's just the way things get done.
  7. She'll make a lot of money on a book deal or movie deal one day...I'd even buy a copy myself. Go Kim Go!
  8. If I were Atlanta, I'd threaten to make it a landfill if the airport goes commercial. A big old stinky landfill. We could name it in honor of the Chairman....
  9. http://airport.blog.ajc.com/2015/09/21/airport-searching-for-new-revenue-sources/ Hartsfield Jackson is looking to sell the 9400 Acres near Silver Comet Field. "The airport is also in the process of contracting with a commercial real estate consulting firm to come up with a plan for about 500 acres it owns around the airport, along with 10,000 acres in towns in Dawson County and 9,400 acres it owns in Paulding County. Three firms are competing for that contract: Jones Lang LaSalle, Avison Young and The Collaborative Firm." Airport general manager Miguel Southwell said Carter’s respon
  10. Hopefully America will wake up and overturn gay marriage. I'd be willing to vote for the candidate who supports traditional marriage.
  11. This gay rights stuff makes average folks sick. Go ahead and do your thing, whatever floats your boat, but keep your stuff behind closed doors instead of "in your face". If you look on Yahoo, page 1 news generally has two grown men all smooched up. Seriously, stop already. Average folks are tired of the gaystabo. Enough already. you've got what you wanted, now move along and leave Mrs. Davis and the rest of us who believe in the Bible alone. Our pastor won't marry two men and if your pastor does, he's not really a pastor, but a false prophet.
  12. Why not have her issue a "Garriage License"? garriage The social institution under which a man and a man, or a woman and a woman establish their decision to live as husband and husband or wife and wife by legal commitments, religious ceremonies, etc. If two members of the same sex can't join in marriage, they can certainly be joined in garriage. Defenders of the sanctity of marriage are happy because their word and definition of "marriage" is left unscathed.
  13. I also know many who've passed away from cancer. It makes me question why did I survive cancer, yet those others didn't. I don't have any answers to that, I just know the emotional stress of cancer is like a roller coaster. At one point in my life, I was literally given three to 6 months to live, but that was many years ago. I still have blood tests done twice a year. Family members and ministers came to visit with me and to pray with me and with my family. I truly count my blessings each and every day and I know the Lord above worked a miracle in my life. I suppose I not only needed a phys
  14. I may give them a try. We'll have to see if it beats waiting in line 20 minutes ta Martin's.
  15. Why is this OUR problem? The millions of refugees fleeing parts of Syria and other middle eastern countries are pouring into Europe. Many are demanding the U.S to take in tens of thousands of Syrians. Do you and I have a moral obligation to open our doors to muslim extremists who want to do us harm? That's exactly who'll be on our doorstep if we let them in. I'm flat out against opening our doors to these refugees. We're already spending $$BILLIONS in humanitarian assistance, yet that's not good enough? Where's the outrage? http://www.cnn.com/2015/09/09/politics/us-syrian-refug
  16. Do you choose treatment or choose your dignity? No one wants to choke down 30 or 40 pills every single day, to lose their hair, and lie around all day every single day too tired to get up and so nauseated that you can't even move your head. You have to eat the food the doctors say to eat and you have to drink those chalky awful tasting milkshakes day after day. The weight loss is amazing, over half your total body weight, gone in a flash. Each treatment drip drip drip, the radiation, the chemotherapy and body scans...the upset stomach, diarrhea, the unpredictable and uncontrollable projecti
  17. If the county clerk were a muslim, a different clerk or judge would be assigned because of "religious accommodation" But since the clerk is a lily white Christian, the court and the Obama's want to shove this down her throat. It's not fair.
  18. Them clothes got laundry numbers on them. You remember your number and always wear the ones that has your number. Any man forgets his number spends a night in the box. These here spoons you keep with you. Any man loses his spoon spends a night in the box. There's no playing grab-ass or fighting in the building. You got a grudge against another man, you fight him Saturday afternoon. Any man playing grab-ass or fighting in the building spends a night in the box. First bell's at five minutes of eight when you will get in your bunk. Last bell is at eight. Any man not in his bunk at eight spends th
  19. Ok. I'm eating crow again.... Congrats are in order for PCHS.
  20. The Superintendent’s Cup is presented each year to the high school that produces the best overall sports program for that school year. The Superintendent’s Cup will be presented to South Paulding at halftime of the September 18th game vs. Allatoona. A point system is used to determine points for each sport and is summarized below. For the sports in which there is a county championship, points will be awarded as follows: 10 points for first, 7 points for second, 5 points for third and 2 points for fourth. Sports for which there is no county championship will receive points as follows: highest w
  21. That Pepperell dragon is a pretty cool sight. After they score a touchdown, watch out! PC will probably get whipped...always have and always will.
  22. My tax bill went up by almost 12%. How was yours? https://paulding.paytaxes.net/intro/paulding/\
  23. "Limiting the airport's growth by allowing it to service only general aviation needs" That's an unfair question. It should read ......"should the Board of Commissioners keep their word?" or "should the Board of Commissioners make secret deals to benefit a select few outsiders at the expense of the voters?"
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