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Everything posted by solosoul

  1. Morning all.... lookslike more ran today but it will help me finish my chores inside.
  2. If you look hard enough you can find a "Doctor" to say whatever you want.
  3. caller reports heavy smoke coming from small car on eastbound side. Appears people were getting out. Eng 7 responding Eng 7 can not locate..will keep looking
  4. Yep been there and done stupid things before.
  5. Looks like I will be cooking and the kids and all will be here.
  6. Use a towel to trap it and catch it. Throw the towel over it.
  7. If you do not know his screen name then you do not know if he is on. He could be on right now.. Mine has no use to things like this.
  8. Russell...never have liked him
  9. I hope they find the dog AND the owners soon.
  10. heck just be glad you do not have to push a 170 pound dog out of your way so you can walk or heaven forbid get up.
  11. There has been many times people have stepped down due to health reason. Some have felt that dealing with health issuses would take too much away from the job they had been asked to do and that they needed to be able to deal with their health outside of the glare of the public. I am not saying this is what should be done but it is something to think about. Often times it is pressure from others that helps some take this step. I guess we will all have to wait and see what unfolds. I can see the pros and cons on both sides of this and as none of us know the depth of his problems then I reall
  12. You have to pay to join to see them
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