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Everything posted by markdavd

  1. Mtg? Marketing? Mortgage? "Magic: The Gathering" online game? Mtg investment company? . . .
  2. It won't get better until you just let her cry or call your name without answering her. By getting up and sitting with her, you're reinforcing the bad habits.
  3. Did you find out if my son would be able to have a booth giving "chair massages"?
  4. Wait until AFTER you have the shot before you start moving your arm. I have no idea what would happen if you tried moving it during the shot, bur it couldn't be good. I had one a few weeks ago without any problems.
  5. There's an artist subscription? All I see for artists on the subscription page are the $40/month price and telling you if you beg maybe pubby will make it an annual business membership.
  6. When 0bama's new fuel efficient standards kick in, that's the only sized car you'll be able to buy.
  7. I don't want to see a light that turns out to be just an illusion. In this case, false hope is worse than no hope. So far, it looks like the administration is using temporary federal jobs to boost that illusion. Very scary.
  8. I wonder how many of those are temporary census jobs - as stated, they admit they are temporary.
  9. markdavd


    If you Topika the terms google and topika, you will get a fair explanation.
  10. The fuse location will be shown in the owners manual.
  11. It sounds like an opportunity for someone to run a 'consignment' booth for those who have something to sell but can't make it.
  12. It depends on what you want. A bowl full of raw eggs before Easter, or hard boiled eggs after. The coloring part will be a lot more difficult because the empty egg shells will float on the surface. You'll have to find a way to hold them under.
  13. They can die just by laying it down at 60+ mph with no four wheeler involvement. There was a post here a few years back about a kid who did just that on Marietta highway between E.Paulding and Lost Mountain.
  14. The way the administration is pushing the economy, just wait a few years.
  15. The way things are going, we may end up looking like North Korea in the picture I posted above.
  16. BTW - it's after 8:30. In the spirit of 'Earth Hour' your computers, TVs and other non essential electrical devices should also be off.
  17. Nope. The lights are staying on here BTW - The candles and batteries have a bigger impact on the environment than electricity generation. -- I understand that 'Earth Hour' was a big success in North Korea: http://paulding.com/forum/uploads/monthly_03_2010/post-1636-126973635893_thumb.jpg Source: http://wattsupwiththat.com/2010/03/27/earth-hour-in-north-korea-a-stunning-success/#more-17803
  18. Our neighbors practice in their garage all the time, and we never hear them. They're all electric, including electric drums and play it all thru headphones. It is probably a better practice because they can all hear what the audience would hear.
  19. I don't know about X'tra Hand's situation, but many places won't hire an overqualified person because they believe they will leave as soon as something better comes along.
  20. If they can find all that info about a person by their keystrokes, why would they stop with Pedophiles? What else would they try to use it for?
  21. What does your typing style say about you? Hopefully there won't be any false positives with this,imagine having to defend yourself because of they way you type: Complete story at link above.
  22. If you don't argue, they'll think you're really up to something and haul you in faster!
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