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Everything posted by markdavd

  1. Make sure your tail lights and turn signals are working. Also, make sure you have proof of insurance.
  2. It probably would have been cheaper to send the forms to every head of household and promise $100 for a properly filled in form.
  3. Actually, Milton was a separate county until 1931, when it merged with Fulton.
  4. I plan on coming back with my wood-crafts! Either date is find with me!
  5. BTW This tax was in the news months ago when the Senate took the tax on cosmetic surgery out of the health care bill and replaced it with the tanning tax.
  6. Taxes on travel items like Hotels have always been among the easiest taxes to raise because they're generally paid by non-residents.
  7. I'm OK with life insurance covering it. It's just ridiculous that we can't buy it on someone who is already dead! I want a law that says that life insurance has to cover preexisting deaths!
  8. This bill says everyone must spend an average of $15,000 per year for their family's health care. It will be the law. Where will your $15,000 come from? Where will those who are unemployed or underemployed get their $15,000?
  9. If the heath care plan passes and goes into effect on schedule in 2014, how will it help messed up billing? Also, I agree with the earlier poster. After the first phone call, everything should have been done in writing. As it is, it's your word against theirs.
  10. But other than higher taxes, it won't go into effect for 4 years. What good does that do anybody.
  11. Please explain how the healthcare plan will prevent this from happening.
  12. Call Dish and tell them you want to switch. Get the best deal you can, which won't be hard. You can cancel before install if necessary. THEN call Direct and tell them you have a contract with Dish. It's not until you actually want to cancel that they actually work to retain you. We've never had problems with Dish.
  13. Cool. But tell us where you really want to take a hidden camera. :D
  14. markdavd


    I guess is how does doing 2 4 hour sessions a day help save money?
  15. markdavd


    They had to do more than just set up 2 sessions. Did they close half the schools? Also, how does transportation work?
  16. My wife used to get those all the time - they're a scam - just hang up. Ours stopped when I was home when they called one time and I started asking a lot of technical questions. They probably figured out that we weren't going to fall for it and it was a waste of their time. BTW - the Do Not Call List has no affect on those calling from overseas.
  17. Does it use GPS? If not, how does it track the vehicle location?
  18. I would think that if it's going to track the location of the vehicle, it would need to use GPS.
  19. I understand they're also putting in a 'retirement community' which will have everything from senior citizen condos thru nursing facilities.
  20. So it's OK to follow a bus, as long as you don't follow it into a subdivision?
  21. I was wondering about that myself. If you're pulled over or stopped at a roadblock, will the police accept a photocopy of your license? I've wondered about the wisdom of keeping your registration in the car. If the car is stolen and pulled over before your reports hit the wire, the thief can show the registration and be sent merrily on his way. Also - I've never been asked to show it.
  22. Nobody seems to want to answer this. I guess just following a school bus should be enough to lock someone up. What happens to the poor person who ends up behind the same school bus every day on their way to work?
  23. Any connection between the two?
  24. The economy will not improve until businesses no longer feel threatened by the President or the Federal Government.
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