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Everything posted by markdavd

  1. I've listened to the trilogy on audio book. They are good. It's too bad the author passed away before he got to see how popular they became. They've already made the movies in the original Swedish. I'd like to watch a dubbed or subtitled version of them. I'd hate to see how they butcher the books trying to make American movie versions of them.
  2. It's not only the kids. I almost hit a Shriner when he wasn't paying attention and took a step backwards into the lane I was traveling in. It's dangerous even when they are standing in the gore. One day, there's going to be an accident where one car is pushed by another into a group of people begging in the road.
  3. It sounds stupid on the surface, but reading the article, basically it says no flags if you're using your car for company business. (i.e. being reimbursed for automotive expenses.)
  4. Career life for most doesn't start until around 20-25 so you've just barely started.
  5. We do it to mess with the folks who are easily annoyed.
  6. I've heard/read a number of different stories where one Federal Agency or another prevented the locals from taking common sense measures to prevent problems from the oil. They can't allow one group to ignore them, because soon everyone will and they'll see their power diminish greatly.
  7. Watch the feds in this. If the locals try it, my guess is one federal agency or another will arrest them and remove the barges. They don't want locals breaking their laws and rules, no matter what the reason.
  8. The only place big enough is probably West Ridge Church, but even then they would need to issue tickets and limit the number of family members and friends for each graduate to no more than 4. That wouldn't do anything about the traffic problems.
  9. Exactly. There were around 750 in my graduating class, and nobody ever claimed that they let the school get 'too big.'
  10. markdavd


    Do you mean you want to cruise to the Caribbean?
  11. When my daughter graduated, there was a student with obvious LD who graduated "with honors".
  12. markdavd

    Gym ?

    If you want to drive down East Paulding to Citizens Square, you can try Workout Anytime. There is a one time 'contract' fee and $15.00 per month and you can cancel with 30 days notice, or you can pay for an entire year up front for around $200.00 with no fee. BTW - by state law, there has to be a contract, it's just that some are more customer friendly than others.
  13. Corner of 92 and 278 in the same plaza as Office Max.
  14. Her reward will be that she got a much better education than many others in her class. That will last a lot longer than being recognized for 5 seconds during the graduation ceremony where most people aren't paying attention anyway.
  15. markdavd


    Were you able to give a statement to the police? If it was indeed the riders fault, I would hate to see the driver of the truck charged.
  16. markdavd


    How bad were the injuries?
  17. As I said earlier - if being Honored at graduation is that important, their priorities are really screwed up. Colleges look at the courses taken and grades achieved. They don't care if you were honored at graduation or not.
  18. If being recognized or not has an impact on how someone lives their lives or how they think of themselves for more than 2 days after graduation, their priorities are messed up. The last graduation I attended, there were so many 'with honors' that they were almost meaningless.
  19. You need to try to find out who the debt is owed to and contact them. They're probably just giving the list of bad debts to one agency after another - the agency only gets paid if they actually collect the debt, and have no interest in correcting the records.
  20. Y'all want more government interference in our personal lives? Just kidding. It's sad when we have to legislate common sense.
  21. markdavd


    If they were actively looking for someone, they wouldn't be sitting at intersections. Also, they probably would have issued a NIXIE alert to BOLO.
  22. markdavd


    Why would it be creepy?
  23. Who do you think funds the junk mail?
  24. One of the things causing delays between each try is they have to get approval for each step from about half the above agencies, plus the Coast Guard. At one point, the EPA demanded BP stop using the current disbursement chemicals, find a new chemical, run tests on the new chemical, get approval for it, produce the chemicals and begin using them in a 5 day window. After a day or so of trying, BP decided the best course of action was to ignore the EPA. Other agencies prevented the states from doing what was necessary to protect the beaches due to theoretical damages that could occur usi
  25. I've had bloodwork billed both ways. Usually, if the lab bills it, it goes to deductible before they pay anything. If the Dr. bills it, it's covered as part of the office visit.
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