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Everything posted by markdavd

  1. And in the long run, the amount of energy and resources used to wash and disinfect them between uses end up being equal or greater than the resources they allegedly save. They aren't made to stand up to multiple washings. You don't think it has something to do with the fact that MOST of what Sams sells won't fit in the bags?
  2. Nobody has answered my question as to why they insist building on that property other than in celebration of a great Islamic victory on that site.
  3. Is the Catholic Church asking to build in Béziers? Is a radical priest leading the demands for that church? Who is providing the money for that church? Are they going to build a mega-church on a site that will stir bad memories among millions of non-cathlics? Does it appear they choose the site as a celebration of a victory for Catholicism?
  4. If Islam is not being run by the fanatics, why don't the rest of the Muslims - the non-fanatic majority - simply step up and say "This location creates too many bad feelings in too many people because of the actions of a few - we would be much better off finding a location elsewhere"? As it is, it gives every appearance that they chose this location to celebrate a major event in Islam - the bringing down of the WTC.
  5. I'll never forget the broadcasts of the celebrations in the streets from Islamic countries when the WTC fell.
  6. I suggest keeping the 2 or so weeks at Christmas, but make Thanksgiving 2 days -- that makes gives a 2 week winter break, 1 week spring break and everything else a single day or two. The schedule would run just after labor Day thru early June.
  7. I've heard that Muslims try to place a Mosque on spots of historical significance to Islam. I wonder if that's why they want to build as close to the WTC as they can.
  8. Perhaps the 'reliable source' isn't so reliable and someone from transportation never said this, or it was another school district entirely.
  9. You should be able to find something here: http://makeover.engageatlanta.com/projects It sounds like the backpacks are probably the best option, but you may find others.
  10. Cheer up - Maybe you'll get home to find that the ladies have been baking cookies for you. Good luck on the job hunt.
  11. It's been discussed in the political forum: http://paulding.com/forum/index.php?/topic/249454-the-tax-tsunami/page__view__findpost__p__3212924 They obviously haven't considered the cost to the businesses. Imagine the small guy having to issue a 1099 to Home Depot, then Home Depot having to keep track of tens of thousands of them, making sure they're accurate and filing them on their tax forms. This extends to those who buy and sell to the public like Coin dealers or Pawn shops.
  12. What do the other doctors say about this?
  13. I just noticed you didn't list the year.
  14. Just plan on sending the basic supplies the first day - Pencil/paper/organizer, etc. In HS, Not every teacher will have the list available at open house anyway - they'll save paper by sending it home the first or second day of class when everyone can get a copy at the same time. Also - if a teacher want's something expensive or specialized, wait a few days to make sure classes aren't switched and you're left with something the new teacher doesn't require.
  15. Actually, they seem to sense when I actually have a question and scatter when I try finding someone to ask.
  16. I would just plan on sending the kids to school with basic supplies (a pencil/pen and paper or notebook, etc.) the first day. I don't think any teacher will be expecting all the supplies to be brought in. That gives the whole weekend to get everything else.
  17. Forget what your ma taught you about being polite and just ignore the kiosk folks. If they try to talk to you, just ignore them. If they try to hand you something, don't take it. If they try to make you stop, keep walking. Also -- go to the mall's web site and file a complaint with the mall management. This reminds me of being at Home Depot, where I get tired real fast when every employee I pass greets me with a friendly 'how are you' or some other 'friendly' question. Unless we've made eye contact, I just start ignoring them.
  18. Unfortunately, a drivers license isn't proof you're a citizen and eligible to vote. Would you rather a few dozen people be inconvenienced so the rolls can be purged of thousands who shouldn't vote, or those people's vote diluted by those who shouldn't vote?
  19. You're the one who missed the point. I see no problem having to prove my ELIGIBILITY to vote. I'm tired of having my vote diluted by those who are NOT eligible but able to vote anyway.
  20. Obama doesn't want the immigration laws being enforced. That's why AZ needs the law in the first place.
  21. First - The AZ law is based almost word for word on the Federal law. You have to be stopped for something else before they can ask for proof of citizenship. I believe you also have to give some other indication that you might not be legal - like barley speaking English. If you are a foreigner here legally, it's the federal law that you must carry your green card at all times, so that's not an issue. IIRC, naturalized citizens are given a card they can carry. Anyone else who's really worried can carry their passport, passport card or a copy of their birth certificate. Those living in
  22. Are there any wet foot prints? If there is dew on the grass, a real person would leave tracks.
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