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Everything posted by JerryLovedLSU

  1. 1. People that step up to my counter on a cell phone and get mad when I try to help them 2. People that step up to my counter on a cell phone and get mad when I don't want to interrupt their phone call. 3. People that know a lane is going to end yet they try to get ahead of as many cars as they can before it does.
  2. It's also funny that the drug companies want to make money off of vaccines, but the doctors who diagnose 874 problems under the "autism spectrum" are just good people helping all of mankind.
  3. 1.2 million people die from drowning each year. I have no desire to tell people not to swim.
  4. It's funny, in another reply there were ONLY 18k cases of hepatitis, but I'm supposed to be appaled by 298.
  5. I always eat the meat part first and then work on the sides.
  6. My friends know how to get in touch with me and my family. All the others are just passers-by in life.
  7. That's cool, but what odds are we talking about?
  8. People have adverse reactions to all kinds of things.
  9. Which team do you follow?
  10. It's in Kennesaw, near the "downtown" part. Best way to keep track of them is through their FB page (their website doesn't seem up to date). Just opened in April, but they make some pretty amazing beers. https://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Burnt-Hickory-Brewery/247400930777
  11. Did a tour of Burnt Hickory Brewery this afternoon and came home and grilled burgers. Now it's bedtime.
  12. When a person doesn't think they have to be civil because of their age, I have no time for them. You get what you give.
  13. Some people think it's cute to get their kids/dogs/unborn children FB pages. It's not cute.
  14. Strip clubs, sex shops, and head shops get denied all the time and let's not get into blue laws and dry portions of the country. Works both ways without a single peep from the capitalistic patriots.
  15. An old person who acts like an a-hole doesn't deserve my respect any more than a young person that does. Expecting people to respect you because of age is entitlement mentality at it's finest.
  16. You get respect based on how you present yourself to others, not just because you've lived a long time. Being old does not entitle you to anything.
  17. Or they were sick of 8 years of Republicans. I guess the welfare rhetoric makes more sense, though.
  18. Kind of like when the president was asked about a teenager getting killed.
  19. I'd be suprised if I eat at CFA 3 times a year as it is.
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