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Everything posted by JerryLovedLSU

  1. Not to mention trying to act like the poor and entitled come out in droves to vote. It's pretty much universal knowledge that the lower the income, the lower the voter turnout.
  2. You're obviously the perfect unskilled, unmotivated worker that minimum wage jobs were made for. After all, great paying jobs are falling from the sky these days. /sarcasm It's funny to listen to some people talk. They bitch when you don't work, they also bitch when you try to work, but don't make a lot of money. Then they turn around and bitch when people say all they care about are rich people. You almost can't make some of this stuff up if you tried.
  3. Yep, along with any other laws that people continually break. Maybe we should just give up on making laws since people don't follow them anyways.
  4. Or overcome their feelings of male inadequacy, but neither theory should allow me to restrict you of your pleasures.
  5. People also only have two hands, why do they need 85 handguns?
  6. No idea why anybody would think you are a Rambo type.
  7. It doesn't effect them, they can sell on Sunday now anyways. Another ridiculous Paulding County law is no liquor stores in unincorporated areas of the county.
  8. So you think Kennesaw is a safer place because criminals consider an archaic law before committing a crime there?
  9. Do you honestly think everybody in Kennesaw has a gun?
  10. He gets the look when he says it in public, but when it's just me and the boy I usually let it slide. He's almost 8.
  11. Captalism, personal freedom, and individual responsibility. Sounds good to me.
  12. This is pretty much what it has boiled down to with a lot of folks.
  13. Be nice to have a preview feature, huh?
  14. Hard to find a beer without ANY hops at all, those recipes haven't been used for about 1000 years. There are tons of beers where hops really don't play a huge role in.
  15. Seems to be a lot of that going on lately despite constant drumming to the contrary.
  16. You're totally overlooking the race war we've been warned about for the last four years.
  17. So there are no hunting accidents or accidental discharges ever? Good to know.
  18. I don't nod at anybody, that's kind of creepy.
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