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Everything posted by joemturner

  1. Mrs. JMT isn't on pcom, but has designated me as the beneficiary of all Mayberries. I do get a kick out of delivering all the goodies!
  2. It depends on the culture of the community and the culture of the company. Every one of us can chime in about what we like and don't like about facial hair, but I simply suggest that my opinion on the subject matters less than the company's culture. There are always tons of things in any given corporate culture that cannot necessarily be explained in terms of what is acceptable outside the office. My best advice is to discuss it with the person(s) specifically responsible for your performance evaluation, and take their advice more seriously than what you hear on pcom, either pro or co
  3. I nominate SouthernScarlett for a Mayberry - Mrs. JMT and I delivered her pie and she tipped us! Thanks, SS!
  4. Dexter's Lab - I just love that show.
  5. Big Daddy JMT: "What do you want for Christmas?" Little Dude JMT, age 6: "More toys, less clothing."
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PmdqFe2URnU
  7. In my view, it depends on both the culture of the community and the culture of the company. What may be perfectly professional attire, appearance and conduct in one firm may not be considered so in another, even in the same industry and in the same city. I'm assuming from the get-go that it is well-groomed and maintained. Without that, it would be a problem even in a place where it is considered normative or broadly acceptable. Obviously a grooming/hygiene problem is different from a styling choice. (That's just based on my experience in the change management consulting sector, and
  8. Merry Christmas to Blazing Saddles & fam!
  9. Took less than three minutes to come up with the items, once I had the idea. Just go through the rhymes (and close rhymes) and it writes itself. I have a rhyming dictionary (I used to write a lot of lyrics) and so that makes it even easier. The hard part is the idea! I think it could be funnier if there were a twist at the end of the list... like adding another line to the bottom, setting it up like it's going to be "Things re---ed" again, but it turns out that the answer is "TJ Maxx" or some other store you see a mall... just totally change the rhythm and sneak in something that nob
  10. I met Alaina Reed in 1978 and a couple of times after that. She was performing in the Broadway production of EUBIE! - a revue of music by Eubie Blake. My aunt was the musical director which was my connection. As a Sesame-Street-watching kid, naturally I was awestruck to be sitting in a dressing room talking to Olivia herself! There are photos of that moment somewhere in a box in my mom's house. Sigh. She was a vibrant, funny lady and a wonderful entertainer. She went on to many more great things (and some not so great, but such is show biz). She will be missed. (Another perso
  11. No worries. It is kind of context-specific for a thing I do when hosting a group. I like it, though.
  12. Honestly, I don't think all public office resignations are necessarily news stories. Two in one day at the top of the same department smells like news to most journalists, though. Ah well.
  13. The fastest way to extinguish the speculation on this subject would be to douse it with facts.
  14. I hadn't noticed it being particularly more bumpy than usual, frankly. Strange.
  15. NavyEagle#1 makes a great point. I should do this... keep meaning to, but did you ever get the feeling that your schedule was getting in the way of your life? I have a networking contact who runs a small company that makes a photo and video inventory of your house. This is a reputable, trustworthy operation. I'll try to find the business card and post the contact here later for those who might be interested in doing a comprehensive home inventory. Kudos to NE#1 for raising this topic.
  16. Morning all. Two gigs today, home late. One gig tomorrow after church, then I'm done for the year. It's been an exhausting season with some days stacked 3 gigs deep, but worth all the effort as I paid off one credit card and more than half of another that has been haunting/stressing me for a long time. I'm going for debt free in the first quarter if possible!
  17. I voted for the truce, but I'm glad to see that the originator doesn't believe in unilateral disarmament!
  18. Yes, it's fun to be the secret benefactor!
  19. No, but my favorite is Steve Martin's 5 holiday wishes...
  20. 2009 has been an annus horribilis. Mrs. JMT's uncle just died suddenly in Knoxville and she's headed that way tomorrow. This year I've lost two cousins (one to suicide), an uncle, and my beloved Mammaw. Mrs. JMT has just lost an uncle. Obviously we have all followed the news on pcom of others who have lost loved ones... especially Beach Bum's recent loss. Especially as we enter the holidays -- please pray for those who are hurting with recent losses. Thanks.
  21. Adjuster says my car may be a total loss from accident last Sat. Thanks for that illegal u-turn into my lane, lady.
  22. Is it a public domain thing? I've seen some of the emulators for Asteroids and other classic games. If it's a freebie, do you have a link to share? Thanks for the blast from the past!
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