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Everything posted by joemturner

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ssBUir2LG-U
  2. In college, January 1992, just back from Christmas break. I was headed to an audition for a production of "Guys and Dolls." Stopped in the cafeteria for a quick snack... saw a few girls at a table, recognized a couple of them as friends from the marching band. Went over to chat for a minute. One other girl was with them... super cute! She had just transferred in from Oklahoma City University -- she had changed majors from dance to engineering. What a coincidence - I was a physics major now studying theater! By the end of the month we were a steady item. 27 months later, engaged. 16 mo
  3. Mrs. JMT and I visited the Pearl Harbor Memorial (well, the USS Arizona Memorial at Pearl Harbor) a few years back. It's a very solemn place. Remember Pearl Harbor.
  4. MsJH - just as long as you keep reading. Meanwhile - I still pray that everyone directly involved is able to get to a new, better place in their lives... and that the schadenfreude winds down. It seems clear that the instinct to snark and snipe will easily find another target. Guess everyone needs a hobby!
  5. Sorry - my apologies for the errant presumption. Jughead is a name I associate with a male cartoon character, so I thought you were alluding to that with your screen name. Again, my apologies. The good news, of course, is that what you wrote now sounds like someone with a heterosexual crush on me and everything I post. xxxooo
  6. Spoken like someone with a man-crush on me and everything I post. Typical.
  7. First, I'm sorry that you've lost your job at this critical time. I hope a new opportunity comes soon. Just looking at your statement above... if that's what he was hired to do and he didn't do it, sounds like he would be fired, too. In fact, the hatchet guy is often the worst job to have... you get to take all the blame and hard feelings, and then they fire you at the end of the day to clean up the loose end. It is no fun -- I knew a guy who was in that position and he saw what was happening and was powerless to stop it. Sorry again... praying for all the job searchers. I don't
  8. One hopes this will bring an end to the pcom schadenfreude fest.
  9. You'd have to have a heart of stone not to be moved by that.
  10. Does it still work if you have a home security system? Those generally need some kind of working landline for their signal... I just wondered. We have held off on all the VOIP products... it does seem that they are gaining a lot of market share, though.
  11. Enjoy this full episode of CSI:
  12. Yes, he sends out press releases about this thing... now. My main point is that there is a difference between accepting commercial engagements and being a tabloid junkie. This is not Lindsey Lohan we're talking about. Of course, your perceptions are your own...
  13. Well, taking a commercial representation contract is not quite the same as sending out a press release. TW has signed on with some companies that offered him contracts to be the visible face of their products... they sought him out. It's not like he's Paris Hilton and going to clubs just for the purpose of acting out to get on TMZ. That doesn't justify anything... I'm just saying there's a difference between accepting some business representation deals and being a publicity hound. (Woof.) JMT
  14. I wish this were out of the news. It's a marriage in crisis and they deserve the chance to try to fix it. It has nothing to do with his golfing. He didn't lie under oath about it. He is in the wrong, but they should drop this story in my opinion. I'd add that I believe some men and women who cheat, even over an extended time, are sincerely sorry about it and regret their actions without actually being caught or exposed. (And no, I'm not speaking from experience. Ha ha. ) I believe that some people's hearts can be changed and that they can experience real remorse before ever having
  15. Not looking good for Norwood - down six points with 77% of precincts reporting. Unless the remaining precincts are strong Norwood... well, it's Atlanta.
  16. [media] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YSNNtuJjFWk [/media]
  17. My dad was born far from a silver spoon and was taught the same thing. Aren't we all taught that it is better to give than to receive? That lesson alone shows that there is a relative value to each.. The point is that to receive without giving, while perhaps necessary in dire circumstances, is not meant to be a place where we stay. Could anyone really disagree with that? Perhaps the word stigma is the hurdle. The main idea is that when we lose the internal "engine" that wants to be independent, and we get too comfortable in depending on others, a society's charity is strained.
  18. P.S. Just to add -- I never said I agreed completely with everything that was written in the linked article(s). I think some people may have assumed that. I said it raised an interesting question.
  19. Kelly, I'm sorry if you or anyone else took this thread as being some kind of dig against the value of giving to charity, or any suggestion that there aren't truly deserving people who need a boost at times. If I didn't think charity were a virtue or that people were really needful at times -- especially in hard times -- then my own checkbook would be a lot fatter than it is and my calendar would be a lot more flexible. I'll bet yours would, too! If you think that article is somehow about "keeping people in their place," then I don't know what to tell you. It is certainly undeniable tha
  20. MCMM, I don't get why this is still in the news, either.
  21. It is both sad and frightening how true that is. As large numbers of people lose the ability to attend to and appreciate details, it becomes more and more difficult to try to express complex ideas in terms that most people can understand. And then they blame you for what they (at least in part) misheard or incompletely comprehended, rather than what you actually set out to express.
  22. Good point. I'm very much of the mind that human beings have intrinsic worth - stigma should attach to actions, behaviors, and patterns. A person is wrong for DOING something, not wrong for BEING something.
  23. This was a really thought-provoking article/post on the value of stigma in a society. Stigma is the only way that a free society can be generous, whether through private help or government programs. The dilemma is as old as charity: how to give help without creating a cycle in which more people need help. Stigma is the way out. Stigma does three things... Charity is a great virtue in people, and an intrinsic part of a healthy culture. But in order to work effectively in a population, does charity need to be balanced with a self-governing resistance to accepting it, at least in lon
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