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Everything posted by GeorgiaTornado

  1. Heck I can't even tell if it's a baby or a tumor
  2. We just give Haiti 50 million in April 2009 Clinton Urges More International Aid for Haiti more here
  3. Taco Bell, Chick -Fil- A, McDonalds, Sonic, Rodneys, Route 61, Burger King, Krystals, Cheeseburger Bobbys, Sonic, Captain D's, Arby's.......I could go on and on.
  4. My neighbor is usually the one there doing the searching
  5. I agree with NC 110% on this. Where is this baby's daddy.....grandmomma on tha daddys side? Our military is a volunteer military. It's not like in Israel...where everyone must serve.. When you sign up you know what's in store. Should she be jailed...maybe not. But she shouldn't get all the benifits that the others will/do get. I think she should get a dishonorable discharge
  6. Me too!! Hopefully my house can get painted and my landscaping can get done.
  7. PW... I'm sorry that happened to you. But trust me when I say that it still happens...and in a certain one horse town in cobb has an officer STILL on the force that was known for asking and getting teen girls. Now mind you... he was 26/27 and they was 16+. I know this for a fact. I was one of the teens that was on the list for the Cobb Crimes unit to investigate. I DID NOT do anything with this guy but because I knew him and was friends with him. He tried...but nope. It was horrible to have the investigators at my house and then to see the list of girls on there. I was shocked and they all liv
  8. Just like smoking causes lung cancer, Drinking can cause cirrhosis of the liver...we could go on and on. I'm sorry about your situation and I wish you the best.
  9. WoW congrats girly... I didn't even see it on FB! This is example #1 of why I couldn't be married to a fireman!
  10. Come on MrsB......I'm sure we can dig sumkin up
  11. We should have a 'post your throwback photo' on here....
  12. Thank you PsychoMom... you proved the point I was making
  13. If the child is under 18 and sending nude pics.. it's illegal. It don't matter if she said it's ok...but it's illegal for anyone to be in possession of any nude or sexually explicit photos/video's of anyone under the age of 18 It's no different than letting your 16 yr old strip in a club.... edit http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/html/uscode18/usc_sec_18_00002256----000-.html (1) “minor” means any person under the age of eighteen years;
  14. I agree with CE..... unless you plan on putting your ankles behind your head....steer clear of CL.
  15. if they want to bust people for child porn....just go to your local high school and flip through the text messages on most of the guys.....AND girls phones. yeah...not everyone's precious snowflake is innocent.
  16. This should be filed under the catagory of: The Stupid Tax!
  17. I have a question for the insurance peeps? I thought 100k was the MAX on personal property. Isn't the insurance for the actual auto different than your personal property INSIDE the car?
  18. Dude...I don't leave my iPhone in the truck........not even in my driveway. I have enough smarts about me to know not to leave my GPS, iPhone, packages in view of anyone - ANYTIME - ANY place.
  19. He was in the ATT store. Across the skreet from Lenox.
  20. Vana....you don't get out much do ya.....oh...and Welcome to Paulding.com neber mind...carry on
  21. I live at Nebo and 61 and I had damage. I got my roof fixed in October.
  22. Bethel Church and Williams Lake road was still iced over very badly last night on my way home from church.
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