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Everything posted by GeorgiaTornado

  1. I know they are building one at Ridge Road and Hwy 61. Right beside the Mizu Restaurant. They usually don't put 2 mexican restaurants in the same shopping center. It's usually an agreement with the property owners and the business owners not to have a competing type business within so many feet of their business.
  2. Social Security death benefit is only $250 No way can you be cremated for that. Poor folks/jane/jon doe's are buried on top of each other in plain pine boxes. Every city usually has a poor folks graveyard.
  3. The baby Teeto doll made me laugh really hard!
  4. Sorry to disappoint you But that was the truth...didn't have anything to do with me. No sore spot here.
  5. Hijack... I went to the endless yardsale this afternoon! Nice place! I enjoyed browsing
  6. I think that if the woman/man KNOWS the person they are sleeping with is married should be held just as liable as the married one! In this state it don't matter if they cheat. You don't get anything more/less than you are intitled to. They just get to walk away. If you own a house...they get half and half of the bank accounts. Half of everything...
  7. this should happen in every state! If there was consequences to everyones actions...then some of this stuff would stop. Yes, cheating has been around since the beginning of time. BUT women and men seek out married people to date. Because they don't want a commitment. It pisses me off when this happens. If you're going to go outside of the marriage then you need to give your spouse the option of knowing this. If you're brave enough to sneak around and do it...be flippin brave enough to do it to their face and ACCEPT te consequences of what's going to happen. Give your spouse to have the same
  8. The lady who stole my ID was on trial in Fulton County! She plead guilty to 3 felonies........and all the time she got was time served...which was the 2 days she spent in jail after being arrested and waited to be bailed out!
  9. I hope ths B*TCH gets whats coming to her!! As a victim of id theft it pisses me off. I can tell you that this is my dicipline with my degree in Crimimal Justice. Nothing will happen to her! The sucker who stole my id served 2 days in jail until she posted bond.......and then it was TIME SERVED when she pled guilty. All because she cried and told the judge that she had kids at home and that she didn't do it her sister did.... W.H.E! She ran up bills over $18,000 in my freakin name! Mess is what it caused! I still have to deal with stuff!
  10. Well..I have Easter Play practice....... I'm the devil..... So..I really don't have to practice very hard... >evilgrin<
  11. I think King Perocet or Queen Lortab would work better than Prince Vallium
  12. Good thing they didn't yell....... INS - Border Patrol or even flash a badge....
  13. This is also the same subdivision that the little girl was out wandering down Hwy 61 and folks was stopping to find out where she lived. Crap...this is right down the skreet from my trailer crib! dang it
  14. Great!!! I'll check ya out later!
  15. I had the samething last week......My head is still stopped up. I sound like my heads in a drum.
  16. what happened on Spring Break.........stays on Spring Break
  17. Taxes are cheaper in Polk/Haralson. They didn't allow almost every inch of land to developed into subdivisions. They also have an industrial park. They also USE to have a rather large trucking industry in Cedartown. Lots of Poultry in Cedartown
  18. Paulding also don't direct access to an interstate. Please don't say.... Oh we have 278 and it connects with I-20. I can't wait to see all the business that airport is going to bring....
  19. The Grands on Ridge at Dallas/Nebo is hiring. I saw a sign up on Sunday. Also Buddy's on Hiram Sudie and Hwy 61 is hiring also for the early morning shift
  20. fat tax is stupid.. Tax FAT by taxing fast food, pizza, yadda yadda yadda! You forgot to add cooking oil to your 'fat tax food' You need to scratch off Potato's and Red Meat. Grilled Chicken, NO pork... (the other white meat) My dad is thin as a rail.. He is 5'10 and weights 150lbs soaking wet! Here is how his health is: He is type 2 diabetic Has had a quadruple heart bypass Large Cell Lung Cancer and had 1/2 of his right lung removed Colon Cancer So your theory on Fat folks with diabetes is dumb. Thin may be IN......but Fats where it's at!
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