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Everything posted by GeorgiaTornado

  1. I live in the area you're talking about.........and I'm a paulding county redneck... but I don't have any Christmas lights lighted up.
  2. I use them all the time!! First time I bought something was before halloween...and got tickets to the haunted house in d'ville for $10. The regular price was $20. Thebookworm had a deal about 2 weeks ago.
  3. Welcome Destiny......... I think I know you
  4. COG Management - it's located on Nebo road at 61.
  5. This is so sad! I have listened to him for over 15 years. Some people who worked with me at the railroad got me hooked. I remember when he did the Boo Got shot! Rest in Peace Royal and prayers for his family at home and radio.
  6. 1-800-free411 It won't cost you 50 cents.
  7. I bet outta 86 girls... there may be 10 daddies....
  8. Call the DA I'm sure his office will know.
  9. It's sad that this has to be said. Just like everything else...you know this had to be addressed because of kids on the lake and parents either showing them or not knowing where they are. So where is common sense these days? (parents)
  10. just add some brown sugar and you can soak it off...then just wake up and have breakfast.
  11. Heck I didn't have to fall outside.... I fell inside on my slick hardwood floor. I had on fuzzy socks and was going back to the table to study....and wham! on the floor I went. My bf came running and I was almost under the table locked up with the damn chair. It's funny to me and he was laughing after he seen I was ok. He asked me if I was trying to break dance with the chair.
  12. ditto that! I'm ready to send the SO to the moon! I've changed rooms 3 times because I've been trying to do homework and study...but nooooo he just HAS to come ask me something...show me something...tell me something....
  13. <--- works in transportation and I brought work home. So, I'm getting paid to be home just like I'd be paid in the office. Another up side...I now have time to do my school work too. So my ALL my homework and papers should be finshed today!
  14. I live on 61 at Nebo and I've not see anyone travel by. Except the big trucks
  15. http://www.chattcollege.com/ it's on the front page
  16. Thank you SOLO... I was going to say the same exact thing.
  17. Correct he didn't know it was on fire.....but not to understand why his car lost traction is priceless. I really do hate it he list his car. He was very lucky he didn't lose his life.
  18. I'm already on Blood thinner. So what the hell else is the dr. going to do. I had an appt this morning..but it got cancelled. So, everything can wait until tomorrow or wednesday.
  19. Me and the SO just looked at each other and was like hua? When the news dude asked him what he was going to do he said...I'll just buy another BMW. I loved it.
  20. Glad you made it home MrDis. safe and sound. This is not funny...but if you know me it is. I have a crap load of work for school and work to do.... and I also have a blood clot in my leg again. (I can feel it) So...I'm hurrying to get my work done for my job so I can take it in tomorrow.... then carry my school books and laptop with me to the dr. because I know he will put me in the hospital.
  21. Well if you do...his BMW caught fire on Windy Hill Road...because he said he was going up a hill and all the sudden he didn't know why his tires was spinning. So he kept spinning his tires and his BMW caught on fire. Channel 11 news caught it all on camera. So if you know Gene... (I'm sorry you lost your car to a fire) But I can't believe you said on TV that you don't know why your tires started to spin and you couldn't go anywhere especially up a hill with snow and ice on the ground. In all seriousness....people please be careful. They even had an interview on 11 alive.
  22. I just heard a call for E. Paulding drive. Kids on 4 wheelers, and kids pulling others behind a car.... Traffic not able to get around them SO called back and said no sign of kids on 4 wheelers The dispatch told him to go to the callers residents at 4455 E. Paulding drive....
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