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Everything posted by GeorgiaTornado

  1. This place was open awhile back....but they closed it for about 6 months. I ate there maybe over a year ago....
  2. I know what you mean about those tunnels. I spent 4 weeks on the BRP. All those wooden guardrails and stacked stone barriers...I was up close and personal with them. It was HOT as heck when I was there. Next time...go North instead of South.... That way you can go to Mayberry. I'm glad y'all had fun and made it home safe!
  3. There was a guy at the Collinsville flea market that had this in 5 lb and 10 lb bags. I'm not sure what he was selling it for. But he said he sprinkles it around the foundation of his house to keep away bugs. He also said that he buys it and uses it in his cow and goat feed to keep the bugs from getting into the feed. He said it also helps the digestion systems of the animals. I just thought about y'all when I saw it.
  4. I agree!!! Probation my ass! These little jackasses snowflakes couldn't even follow the regular laws....now some think they will be able to follow ALL the rules that go along with probation. I've had my id stolen...and my credit cards. I'd personally like to break every single one of their fingers! Oh and Joseph...the men in prison like guys who look like you. All of these kids parents should be ASHAMED! The parents should be charged with something...(the ones with minors)To bad there isn't a I'm a stupid parent law!
  5. Well...at least he wasn't in/on his partol car
  6. E/W connector headed WEST toward Paulding... right before Highlands Pkwy. You are coming down the hill from South Cobb Drive it's a long sweeping curve to the right...and the popo sit at the top of the curve and shoot back toward SCD. They get so many. I have now been seeing them stand in the median with a radar gun because the trees and brush have over grown in that area and they can't shoot around or through it until they have it cut back Oh...and this would be Smyrna PD.
  7. They got bought out in 1994 by Krystals Corp. Most was converted to a Krystals. But the one on Thornton Rd is now a Wendy's. The MC on Thornton road had a lobby and it was pretty good size. That building was to big to be a Krystals
  8. I swear when I was opening this page I was was going to to ask to see if anyone remembered Mighty Caseys! I know it was at Thornton Road and Maxham Rd. They closed the MC and Wendy's bought it. I moved here in 1988 and I know that's where we ate. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mighty_Casey's
  9. Ok...who took out what street it was. I know dang good and well I saw it on here.
  10. Probation is useless. All it does is prolong going to jail. Why give probation to someone who evidently can't follow rules and get charged with something...and convicted...then put them on probation....and now they have to follow 50 bazillion rules. Pfft. if they didn't follow the 1st rules....why do you think they will follow the new ones while on probation?
  11. if he can afford school...then a school visa is another way to go. I have friend over here right now on one. As long as he stays in school he can keep his visa.
  12. Thank you Lowrider!! I was just going to say the same exact thing. Having money isn't evil or not "of God" But putting making money above all else and loving it is where the sin lies. But it's not also right of me to judge someone and 'tell' someone I think they are sinning. They must be convicted. For what some may see a sin...I may not. I don't think having a drink is a sin...
  13. This was my first HS game since I have lived in Paulding. (6 years) I don't even have a kid in school. I really enjoyed it. My friends son is on the team and they are members of the TD club. I know the mom works her butt off for those football boys! The folks from East were really nice. It's good to go to HS sporting events and have good clean fun. I'll be at the SPHS vs NPHS game. This time I'm taking my own camara. One thing... I didn't like the HOT pink outfits that the EP dance/drill team was wearing. Those was terrible.. sorry.. off subject. But everyone was good.... just di
  14. No gamble with Academy. I only shop at the one in Auburn, Al when we go to Columbus. LOVE it!
  15. I would rather let all the air out of my tires and fill it up with 'free' air than to have to find someone to replace the nitrogen in the dumb things. Never has Discount Tires tried to sell me Nitrogen instead of regular air.
  16. Cobb is widening it to 4 lanes to the Paulding line. Hint Hint...Paulding... get on the ball!
  17. I got the nixel report also. I have a bf and several friends on Hiram Sudie going back and forth moving items to our new church. So, I would have like to have known the descriptions also.
  18. My step mom makes something like this. She has made several types of bands that go on cowboy hats and has styles of brooches/conches in the middle. Most are of a Western/Indian/Southwest style.
  19. How do you get to it? I've tried to get to my PM's and cant. I've clicked on messages and it says 0. I know there are some there... I need to reply to someone that sent me a message!! HELLLLP
  20. I'm excited too. Please try to come!! I have to leave after lunch to go to work. I would love to see Matthew . Tell him I have balloons!!
  21. The Refuge Church is having Free Hot Dogs and Drinks tomorrow from 11-2. We are celebrating moving into our new facility located at the corner of Hiram Sudie and 92. We are located next to Xtreme Fitness. Come out...bring your family and get a hot dog.
  22. I use Dr. Gearhard (both hubsand and wife) and Dr. Nyguen? that is in with them. They are located on Mulkey Rd. I've been with them for over 15 years
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