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Everything posted by GeorgiaTornado

  1. I like watching how they decided to draw it...then erase it...then change colors...and line weights... I had to draw INK the other day....
  2. I think if you are stupid enough to do this type of prank you DESERVE to lose your scholorship. It should go to someone who does know right from wrong and can think. This took planning and prep. Maybe it was bacause some of those great student leaders who thougth this up. Somebody did...and everyone ran with it. I don't care if you kid was in the car and didn't touch the can of paint...they are guilty by association. You lay down with dogs....you get up wif fleas. 40k is a LOT of freaking money on a prank that. 27 Students? Each student has to pay back $1500 in fines and clean-up.
  3. I use Tender Loving Pet Grooming! They advertise here.
  4. Draw Something is the name of it. You can play with others even if it's on an android or iphone. It's like pictionary
  5. I'm sorry...but the 2nd opinion should be from the WIFE... and I bet they get denied!
  6. I'm going to put a picture of Patron on my window.... I can't drink dark liquor...
  7. How long have you been doing this? I've only made a 5 gallon bucket and it's almost gone... I will alter my recipe next time.
  8. Rick Santorum. Sorry..the RP was supposed to have posted somewhere else.. lol
  9. Man... all this lady wanted to know is when the liquor sales starts in PC. Dayyyum did she get thrown for a loop from people for and against drinking. 1st of all...Christians...and blue law peeps.. You can't take away someone's right to be wrong. No where in the bible does it say not to drink. Heck, Jesus turned water to wine at a wedding celebration! He didn't turn it into grape juice! 2nd..and the alcoholics meh... I got nothing. Except I bought wine the 1st day on Sunday... after I left church.
  10. I like xtreme fitness on Hiram Sudie and 92. There is another one beside Family Dollar on Ridge Road that would be convient for you. It's open 24hrs
  11. WoW.... PcsCharli... I didn't know you made house calls to Kentucky? edit to add... here is a little info from defenders.org http://www.defenders.org/wildlife_and_habitat/wildlife/woodpeckers.php
  12. Why? I have the bible app and all my notes on my iPhone....Believe it or not you can silence those suckers... and even put them in airplane mode and all. Mine will even read the bible to ya! Sweet!! We have used it several times on Wed. nights so people could listen to the different translations.
  13. gotcha lookin good in hiram
  14. Dunkin Donuts! 14 k-cups for 11.99
  15. I like the Dugout for wings. Chicken world was good. I did like the chicken fingers..they were huge.
  16. Check with that Gold dealer right there on the corner of Ridge and 61. Here's why: DBF had a 14k gold wedding band from his marriage. He didn't want it anymore and decided to go there and see how much they would give him. They settled on a very good price. Well, seems like this place also buys 'other' stuff as well besides just gold. Seems kind of shady. The lady there was telling us that the guy who owns the shop also buys other stuff and sells it all online. He buys PSP's, gameboys, Nintendo's, Playstations....ANY kind of electronic, TOOLS, fishing gear, all the way to cordless phones.
  17. Funny how she was soooo scared for her job and losing it and not reporting Hemy to HR... but to see her on the stand she was very hostile. Very head strong. Almost wanting to be in charge. Maybe she had the billy badass attitude... as long as everyone was around she was safe to act like she was strong.. I don't think for one minute she ever was afraid of Hemy or losing her job. Maybe afraid of her hubby finding out that she crossed the line...but not losing her job.
  18. They charged her because she spoke to another witness AFTER she had been warned. This charge has nothing to do with the murder.
  19. No problems here.. I used a CPA and he mailed my return...
  20. MrDis my bff in Louisiana does the same thing you are talking about...but he will buy a KIA Rio or something like that. He drives from one town in Louisiana to a town at the edge of Arkansas/Texas. He drives about 160 miles r/t. He swears by those cars. He has a new Silverado 4x4 that would kill him in gas if he drove it that far everyday. What you are doing is very common in rural areas of the country.
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