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Everything posted by GeorgiaTornado

  1. I live at 61 and Nebo...so it will be on my way home. Just let me know.
  2. I get out of school at 6 on thursdays... and can be on this side of town by 6:30. You call in something for you and your daughter and tell me where to pick it up and deliver it. I will. good: Or Tuesday nights... I don't have school then either.
  3. White Brite http://www.onegoodthingbyjillee.com/2011/12/whitening-whitesor-can-this-cami-be.html I make my own. The next batch I make...I'm adding OxyClean to my mixture. I use: 1 bar of Fels Naptha 1 cup of Washing Soda 1 cup of Borax Grate the bar...melt it in 4 cups of water on the stove... Then put it in a 5 gallon bucket half full of SUPER hot tap water... Mix well... then fill it up with hot tap water very well... Put a lid on it...and wait 24 hrs and it will gel. I just scoop mine out of the bucket.
  4. LR...one of my good friends is going to be the manager there... I'll ask her really quick and see what she says.
  5. It usually means the prisoners or state probationers have been on work detail.
  6. It's not her job to make sure you or your family eat properly. Her job is to make wonderful dishes and desserts. Her job is to keep people watching her show.
  7. Tate execution set for Jan. 31. ajc He is not fighting anything. He is willing to die for the crimes he committed.
  8. Well. I had good service at the new Chicken World. I really like Subby, Audrys, Hairazor at Salon J
  9. I love the pig commercials. Wheeeeeeeeeeee Wheeeeeeeeeeeeee
  10. That's true...oh and I found my presentation...send me your email again..I'm going to try to send it to you. If not...I'm burning it to a CD.
  11. Can you send me your email address again? I have my Tate presentation pulled up. I'm hoping I can email it to you....
  12. If I'm not mistaken...the husband is remarried. He does NOT have custody of the little boy (Brian). Mysterious...I design roadways. lol But I am taking Criminal Justice classes. This instructor that I had to do these presentations is awesome. She is by far the best instructor I've had. She makes you dig, do your homework and interview people involved. Trust me...I got to know Judge Beavers, Judge Osborne, PCSO Christopher and GBI agents involved.
  13. I did a presentation on Wayne Williams also, he isn't on death row. He is life in prison. Big difference. He also wan't never convicted of killing any of the children.... he was convicted of killing an Adult.
  14. wow...guess these kids will be ready for college. Now I do RENT, or Download a textbook...but it's still the ENTIRE book. I do know that some instructors don't allow you to use your computer or iPad during mid-terms or final exams but they will let you use your actual book. Gooberment schools.... whatcha expect?
  15. The little boy is living with a family member here in Paulding. She is/was in some of my criminal justice classes. I interviewed her for my project. Me and the guy who I did the paper with....will be one of the only few after Tate has been put to death that would have seen all the evidence.
  16. http://paulding.com/forum/index.php/topic/277260-bingo-at-the-legion-on-scoggins/page__p__3526533__ hl__bingo__fromsearch__1#entry3526533
  17. I did an extensive research and report on this. I SAW all the evidence. I SAW all the photographs of what happened in this crime scene! The youngest Tate was only 15 and he is pure evil. The middle Tate brother is the one who actually helped build a case against the youngest brother. That is why he got life in prison. Nick Tate was the mastermind. I spoke with Judge Osborne for a long time about this. He gave me all the details. He even helped and directed me into which was the best way to do my paper and presentation. I can tell you that if you saw those crime scene photos.... you would
  18. I left early this morning...So I didn't see the school traffic...
  19. Tahoe at 7:00am this morning it was 5 or 6 cars deep in both directions on 61, either trying to turn left or trying to go straight. There was about 3 cars on Nebo and 2 on Mayfield. No rumble strips was placed yesterday... (thank god) Just stop ahead signs. They did change out the yellow warning sign in my yard and make it a stop ahead sign.
  20. Until they do an intersection improvement there....nothing will be accomplished. This means traffic will back up in front of my house and people will be using my yard as a turn around once it backs up (like it use to at Ridge) This also means rumble strips will be located in front of my house. Have you ever HEARD a rumble strip outside of your car? OMG. They are designed loud enough to be heard inside the car with noise.
  21. Stop signs are not required for a red light. I do know that GDOT isn't handing out red light permits like candy anymore. smh
  22. Hopefully they won't be ground in type...grrrr
  23. I will dig up all those damn rumble strips in front of my house!
  24. This pisses me off to NOOOO end! I will be on the phone to District 6. WTF are they thinking!!! Nevermind...we are talking about GDOT
  25. I live right there and haven't seen it.... But this is the stupid... but then again...that's GDOT for ya!
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