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Everything posted by ThornwoodMom

  1. You may need to get your doctor to write a prescription for it for the ins. company to cover it?
  2. Do you need the actual nebulizer or the meds for the nebulizer?
  3. You callin' my baby STUPID!?!?!?! :o hahahaha J/K, stay the heck clear of him, he's never driven in bad winter weather before.
  4. Maybe you have to be drunk first before they explain the rules. :rofl:
  5. If you find out please let me know asap. Thank you.
  6. My cousin just posted on FB that it is snowing in Tuscaloosa.
  7. My 14 year old refuses to even wear a hoodie unless it drops into the teens. Won't wear long sleeves either. Whatever. Sit out there and freeze your patootie off then. I'm really surprised that dfacs hasn't visited, though. I guess most of my neighbors have had teenagers.
  8. I am so sorry to hear this. Her last update just broke my heart, and I don't even know them. When Aiden's mom spoke of courage and grace, I was thinking that lady sure has plenty of both. My prayers are with the family.
  9. I pray that your sister will have the strength that she needs & that your nephew comes home safe and sound. Thank the Lord for men like him.
  10. I am thankful for the roof over my head and the food on my table. I am thankful for the health of my husband and children. I am thankful that my mother has moved closer to me, even as I worry about her health situation. I am thankful that my disease has not progressed as much as it could have. I am thankful that I have made it (almost!) to 2010!
  11. Yep. Update: One building looks to be burned to the ground. Fire appears to be contained. They didn't even evacuate the other buildings, apparently. Edit: Wrong. It has all been evacuated.
  12. There's another raging fire at 41/92 Acworth at the flea market.
  13. Thank God the security guard was there with a gun to put a stop to the nightclub shooting. Thank God the liquor store owner was there with a gun to put a stop to the armed robber killing someone else. It could have been even worse.
  14. That is a really good likeness, and I love the headband. How long did it take you to do that? Just curious.
  15. You need some grated cheese. imo.
  16. Wow, that brings back memories! Wish they had reruns! That brings back memories, too! I had to rush home from school everyday to watch that. No tivo, not even a vcr. If you missed your soap you had to call someone to find out what happened, lol.
  17. Gilligan's Island The Addams Family (snap, snap) Bonanza Laugh In Hee Haw Mash Fantasy Island The Love Boat Charlie's Angels
  18. RIP Mr. Axel. Maybe there is hope on the horizon: An Israeli research scientist has accidentally discovered a chemical compound that eradicates cancer cells without harming normal cells in the process. The substance may prove to be the long sought-after "holy grail" in the wider field of cancer treatment. For now, it shows promise as a specific weapon against breast cancer. http://israel21c.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=7379:closing-in-on-cancer&catid=57:health&Itemid=63
  19. I only write an essay if I feel strongly about the topic one way or the other. So question #3 is flawed a bit.
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