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Everything posted by mom2dachs

  1. BLESS YOUR HEART! I hope they are able to identify the person from the tapes - $60 is a LOT of money. IF it is not yours do NOT make it yours and take it with you. And, yes the Karma Train is always in motion although you may never know about it or it may not happen quickly. It took right at a year but someone who was not nice and down right ugly toward my daughter and everyone else who worked under this person - and made their lives miserable for quite a time - had the Karma Train stop just this past week. But, I am proud to say although DD had every reason to feel joy at this person's d
  2. The book sounds like something I would enjoy as I am fascinated by true crime/criminals. I will have to see if it is available online as I can not read a "book". Thanks for the info.
  3. Blueberry cheesecake muffins for breakfast. Then started working on dinner as DD, her room-mate and DGD's are coming for an early dinner about 4:30. DH famous seasoned pork loin stuffed with feta, Parmesan, Romano and Asiago cheeses is in the oven. Butter/Parsley red potatoes are on the stove along with a pot of field peas. Homemade mac & cheese made and ready to bake. Sister Schubert's yeast rolls. Homemade vanilla ice cream (Hershey's chocolate syrup for the girls to put on theirs) to top off the meal. Other than cooking today is pretty much a day for rest. Considering w
  4. We had a yard sale yesterday. It was a LOT of work but we moved a TON of junk!! We made $165 but it was all $.50-$1.00 items and none of our sports inventory. Our DD made another $54! So, you know we moved a lot of stuff. We were exhausted and weren't gonna cook so we met our daughter and her friends at Jalapeno Joe's. We h ad the BEST service - but then again the server was DS. I might as well keep my tips in the family and since he is gonna get it anyway might as well make him work for it. We had the chicken/beef/shrimp fajitas and cheese dip and it was GREAT!! an added plus was a short vi
  5. Interesting!! I think they also mentioned the eye color in the show I saw about him. I don't remember fingerprints being mentioned tho.
  6. I watched an episode of "Mysteries at the Museum" on the Travel Channel in the last couple of weeks that did a segment on John Dillinger. In those days photos were taken of the dead and there is a photo of Dillinger after his death. However, it is not believed the man killed at the theater with the two women was the "real" Dillinger. The photo does not have the chin dimple nor a mole above his right eye/nose. It is speculated Dillinger heard of the setup and a man with similar characteristics went to the theater in his place. Dillinger let law officials gloat that they had killed him while he
  7. I was wondering the same thing. Were these arrests connected to the crown victoria or did these arrest just happen to be on the same page? I saw the car yesterday in the McDonald's area of Merchants Drive and at the time thought it looked a bit strange.
  8. Not only giving up a FREE education but also giving up a shot at millions being a top draft choice!!! SAD. YEP. Guess his excellence was only in playing football and not in "thinking". Sad situation or Mathieu but I like your thought process!! RTR!!!!
  9. I ran malware a couple of days ago and it found 104 things it got rid of. Didn't correct the problem, tho. HaHaHa When we moved to GA in 1996 our daughter was 15 yrs old. She came home from school one day right after school started. She said the kids at lunch were telling Alabama jokes. She was upset and said "we never sat around telling jokes about Georgia". I told her "No, because we had Mississippi!!". Nick, I have Windows 7. I will try this. THANKS!!
  10. When you grow up in Centralish-Northeastish Alabama you consider anywhere south of Montgomery to be LA.
  11. I am having issues with my laptop and am hoping some of the computer guru's can give suggestions. I was having problems with a blue circle going around and around when trying to upload a page. I was told to open a new administrator on my laptop and I did. It took care of the blue circle and things appeared to be much better. But, eventually I started having other issues. I play a game on here quite often on FB. It got to where the game didn't do right so now I play for it on mindjolt games. Sometimes it will start loading and stop/freeze. I have to go to the task messenger to end it or restart
  12. Now that right there is one STUPID suggestion. How the heck are you supposed to use their retailers ad build a history in their database when your check is going to be declined every time you attempt to write one??? Am I missing something here??? And to answer your question yes I have had that happen before. When I called the number I was given with my declined check I was told I had already written the quota for checks allowed to write that day. HUH???? I think it was the 3rd check I'd written as I seldom write checks either. However, the company couldn't tell me what my quota of checks
  13. These systems typically do not use your personal information to approve/decline a check. It is based on your checking account number and is run through their machine that reads the account. All of your personal information is in their system. IF your check had not been declined by the company at that point the cashier would have asked for your personal info to verify you were the correct person.
  14. Is this the same card the band sold a few months ago? I gave them to several friends and family for Christmas. It was a white card with LOTS of discounts in blue. Well worth the $10 and saved a lot of money just with the BOGO buffet at Stevie B's.
  15. www.pcdugout.com Look underneath "What's Good" ALL OF IT and you will see "Download our Menu"
  16. I concur with ALLLLLLL the above!!! Great guy, great service, great pricing = GREAT!!!
  17. YES Mandy IS amazing!!!! C.Mark is a HUGE fan/follower of hers.
  18. Sounds YUMMMMMY with the exception of the hotdog on it.
  19. So sorry to hear this, Papi. But, at least it was AFTER your vacation and not before. BTW, I did the same thing a few years ago at a yard sale - but you better believe even though I hit the ground I did NOT drop the treasures I had in my arms!!!! When the doctor at the ER told me it was just a bad sprain with strained ligaments. I was relieved it wasn't broken but he informed me before it was over I would WISH it had been broken because what I had done was a lot more painful. I am glad to hear the kudos about Paulding Hospital. Members of our family have been numerous times the last 3-4 y
  20. I missed it last year so I REALLY hope to make it this year. My all-time favorite craft show is Powers Cross Roads in the Newnan/Franklin area. I started going about 35 years ago and used to NEVER miss it. But, haven't been able to go since my strokes in 2008. It is SOOOO big there is no way I could walk it all. Powers Cross Roads itself is HUGE plus there is a smaller show across the street and some vendors line the highway so they don't have to pay fees to set up. It is Sat-Sun-Mon of Labor Day week-ed.
  21. I vote for a "Separated at Birth" saga. Just wait some woman will come forward claiming she had twins "X" years ago but the doctor whose wife was infertile stole her baby and raised him as his/their own. NOW she knows the truth. Both of these wonderful examples of humanity are her sons!! Watch for it coming soon on your local Lifetime Movie Channel.
  22. Now that right there made me :rofl:
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