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Everything posted by mom2dachs

  1. It all started with A DREAM! Do you remember when you were a little kid and adults would always ask, "What do you want to be when you grow up?” My answer to that question has never changed. I’ve worked my whole life to arrive at this moment and it is time for this curly headed kid's dream to come true! Performing is the only thing that has ever made perfect sense to me. From a young age, I knew I was destined for my name in lights! At sixteen, I visited New York City for the first time. The magic, the lights, the atmosphere, and the abundance of theater made me fall in love
  2. REMINDER: TONIGHT IS THE NIGHT: "Cost Of A Dream" - this is going to be an AMAZING concert!! Don't miss it. TICKETS AVAILABLE AT THE EVENT!!!
  3. :yahoo: Don't know about lunch but I highly suggest Jalapeno Joe's for dinner!!!!
  4. REMINDER: Jalapeno Joe's tonight for dinner and receive two FREE tickets to "Cost Of A Dream" on Saturday night. Hope to see ya at tonight and again Saturday.
  5. 1 can Cream of Mushroom Soup 1 can Cream of Chicken Soup chopped onion & bell pepper equal parts Worcestershire & lemon juice to taste (usually 2 tbsp each) salt & pepper Makes a tasty dish and we serve it over rice.
  6. The trash trucks come by here about 4:00AM three days a week every week. VERY LOUD.
  7. Glad to read your review. DH and I were talking just this week about trying it and I LOVE a good Greek salad. THANKS!
  8. I haven't been on all day - spent the day going to 3 different doctor's appointments. Sounds like I missed out. Hummmmmm......then again maybe I didn't????
  9. For a good steak: ANGELO'S!! We used to drive down to PCB from the Montgomery area just to eat at Angelo's, let the kids ride go-carts, play in the water, spend the night and after a few more hours in the water drive home. YUMMMM. Black Angus is good, too.
  10. Yes a thunderstorm can cause damage and damage so severe it causes death. BUT....the problem is people don't react to the warning of a thunderstorm and as a secondary reaction they also become immune to the sirens and do not react when there is immediate danger of a tornado. True. No explanation whatsoever.
  11. YES WE DO NEED A NEW SYSTEM!!!! The sirens are only supposed to go off for a warning, not a watch. I have an issue about them going off for a thunderstorm warning. People don't take them seriously if they are always going off. They should ONLY sound when we have a tornado WARNING so people will know it is serious and to take cover. IMHO. I haven't seen a warning of any type on the TV screen, only tornado watch. DUH??
  12. ENJOY a GREAT Mexican meal on Thursday night while having the best service in town and listening to some amazing Paulding County talent at karaoke. (Yes the same great server also will be doing some singing along with lots of others. ) And, as a bonus you will get TWO FREE TICKETS to "Cost Of A Dream" on Saturday night. What a DEAL!!!!
  13. I had the SAME raisin'. And back in the early 1980's when the color plastic beads were so popular my beads matched my shoes and purse, too.
  14. Would you share your recipe please? I LOVE that at Longhorns and it is what I always get. TIA. I have heard folks reference Pioneer Woman and her recipe. Who is she??
  15. After a week-end at the Market dinner was provided via Jim 'n Nick's drive thru. Family pack BBQ pork, fries, cole slaw & of course cheese biscuits. A piece of their yummy coconut pie will be dessert.
  16. Jalapeno Joe's. Fajita Chicken & Shrimp burrito w/ onions, peppers and mushrooms. Side of rice. Wade will be serving (gotta keep my tips in the family - he'll end up with my money anyway so might as well make him work for it. ) He will also be joining BLACK DIAMOND in singing some songs they will be performing together next Saturday night at "Cost Of A Dream".
  17. Want a taste of Wade's upcoming show, "Cost Of A Dream" on Sept. 22nd in Hiram?!?!?!?! Come listen to the opening band "Black Diamond" and Jordan Green tonight at Jalapeño Joes:) Wade will be serving and doing some covers with the band!!!! See you there!!!
  18. Most definitely!! We ate there OFTEN and were never disappointed in the food and we tried pretty much everything on the menu. David had the BEST wings IMHO of ANYWHERE. And, DH was a HUGE fan of the burgers. I have no doubt if the location had been better with more exposure they would have been very successful. I hate if for them - super nice people who put their heart, soul, sweat and tears in that business. Wishing David and Elizabeth the very best!!! The Dugout was the FOURTH of our friends to close a small home owned business in less than 3 months. People can say the economy is recover
  19. Chicken World has (or is moving) moved to the Academy Sports/K-Mart Shopping Center in Hiram. They will be on the end where Oga's/Baby Janes/Mexican restaurant was at one time.
  20. DH and I had dinner at Rodney's last night and it was YUMMMMMMY!!! I had the chopped steak w/brown gravy and mushrooms. It was cooked to perfection, very moist and tasty - the best I've ever had there or anywhere! I had mashed taters/gravy and fried cabbage as my sides. DH had a cheeseburger that looked amazing - he said it was and he is a hamburger connoisseur. And, of course the service was EXCELLENT as always.
  21. A friend was asking me and I knew I could come to p.com for possible answers. She was asking $75K for her house but came down to $73K. She told the potential buyer she would come down to $71K and them pay the closing cost and housing inspector. The buyer came back and offered her the $73K but they half the closing costs and housing inspector and my friend also pays for all repairs the housing inspector says needs to be done. (which would be very minimal, if any) She just wasn't sure what she might be looking at in closing cost for that price house. Thanks for all the responses.
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