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Everything posted by mom2dachs

  1. Laurie, You and Johnny's family have been in my thoughts and prayers continuously the last week. I can only imagine how badly your heart is broken as I know how close you two were. I saw this based on how sad I am and I only knew him through p.com. Your post brought tears to my eyes and although many are hurting and grieving I cannot help but rejoice that JJ is dancing on the streets of gold with many loved ones who went before him. He is happy and healthy while we are left to tend to our broken hearts and miss him. But, one day you will dance with him once again. (((HUGS)))
  2. I do not see that on the post??? I wish I had the space to offer to Terese. I will copy/paste to FB. Good Luck finding the perfect home for her.
  3. DH and I got their $1.00 wraps a couple of times when we were at The Wearhouse. They were good. But, DH got aggravated at the BAD service he got one time so we never went back. (That's just the way he is about those things.)
  4. You have been given some GREAT advice and I agree with all the above. CONGRATULATIONS and BEST WISHES!!
  5. :yahoo: We'll be there even if our favorite server won't be.
  6. Will you be doing breakfast all day tomorrow? Will you have the hashbrown casserole I've read so much about on here? Looking forward to trying it but we aren't early folks.
  7. YES, GoorgiaTornado LSU is available. Actually I have LSU shown in the photos.
  8. Thoughts and prayers have been with JJ and all of you since I learned of this earlier today. May God wrap his loving arms around all of you and give you comfort and peace as you face the days ahead. JJ is a loving, wonderful man who raised a daughter to be the same. (((HUGS)))
  9. SORRY, Darlin. Not available for Tennessee. But, Thanks anyway.
  10. Christmas is ONLY 75 Days away!!! Perfect and inexpensive gift giving idea. TAKING PRE-ORDERS: The Magic Pad will adhere to any horizontal as well as vertical surfaces such as dashboards, refrigerators, tile, and glass and will hold smooth objects in place. Magic Pad is useful to stick cell phones, sunglasses, GPS, pens, keys, etc. Magic Pad can be easily peeled off without leaving any marks or residue. Made of a soft PU gel that is uniquely designed to offer an incredibly sticky, resilient, flexible and durable capability and is non-toxic, odorless and recyclable. Made of Polyurethane 6 inc
  11. I am a FIRM believer EVERYTHING happens for a reason. So, for whatever reason the move didn't happen it is what is meant to be. Hope everything works out for y'all.
  12. Yeah, I forgot about Martin's. DUH??? We usually get breakfast there a couple days a week. :yahoo: You'll be seeing us some Wednesdays!!!
  13. Is this only good during breakfast hours? BTW, what are your breakfast hours??? I've been reading about the hashbrown casserole. Is it available every day? Wanna come try it. The only problem is I am NOT a morning person and most places have quit serving breakfast by time I am up and going so my options are limited to Waffle House or IHOP.
  14. Was the young guy in a light blue shirt from Georgia? I couldn't tell if it said GA or CA. Some really good talent and some really not so good at all talent was on tonight. Nerves can wreck even the best performer.
  15. You look GREAT ~ ENJOY! DS worked at the local haunted house in Dallas last year and had a BLAST!!
  16. And the SAD part is she was brought on the show to appeal to the younger viewers. BACKFIRED!!!
  17. I think EVERYONE saw this one coming. Mariah signed her contract first and was told she'd be the only Diva. When rumors began two weeks later that Nicki had been approached as a judge Mariah tried unsuccessfully to stop it. There is no way you can have two huge Diva egos and not expect situations like this to arise. Nicki was a BAD choice from the git-go IMHO. I wish they would pay her her money to make her go away and stick with the 3 judge format. But, now some folks will watch Idol just waiting for more confrontations.
  18. I am sure with the holidays coming up people will be needing to spruce up their homes. Good to see ya back on p.com. It was SOOOO good to see you and Elizabeth at Wade's show. Several times we have said we wished we could drop by for lunch or dinner. MISS YA!!! Y'all have a GREAT week!!
  19. Wonderful News ~ Praise God for answered prayers. I will be watching for more good reports.
  20. SOOOOO SORRY to hear this, Glenn. I haven't been on p.com much the last week while on vacation. I will definitely be praying for your girlfriend, her family and you. God is in control and is still in the miracle business. He is the Ultimate Physician and will hear our prayers!!! Keep your chin up - it is easier to see Heaven that way.
  21. DD met Mitch through her employment at Rodney's. Not until the last week did I realize the Renae the fundraiser is for was his wife although I knew Mitch's wife was ill. From what I know about Mitch and how he has helped DD I know he is a wonderful man. I will not be in town to attend but I hope the fundraiser is a HUGE success and raises a lot of money to help this family.
  22. Taking PRE-ORDERS for this NICE Patriots Scarf for football season. Polar Fleece Hooded Scarfs perfect for band, fans, etc of Paulding County High School Patriots!! Polar Fleece Hooded Scarf - ONLY $15.00
  23. Dang - I am just now seeing this. But, no time for dinner before the show anyway. Too much going on in the house to think about eating. But, y'all ENJOY and we'll see ya at the show. It's gonna be a GREAT one!!!
  24. THANK YOU, LPPT. We appreciate ALL your help!! Looking forward to seeing ya tonight. THANK YOU, too for the kind words about Wade. His Dad and I are VERY proud!!
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