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Everything posted by mom2dachs

  1. YES. We always watch Hawaii Five-0 during that time slot and were about to but DS was here and wanted to watch Harry's Law. So, we set the DVR for Hawaii Five-0. We really liked Harry's Law - it is a unique and different type law show. I LOVED the "law office fine shoe store" concept. We will continue to watch it and keep the DVR set on the other channel.
  2. Was that the song that played when it was going off?? I was going to ask who was singing it and the name of the song.
  3. Watching it......he is great in whatever he does. In his interview on The View this AM he said he "had" to do it when asked because NCIS had been his wife's favorite show and his voice quivered.
  4. In 2001 DH and I found ourselves in a situation beyond our control. I had a kidney transplant in 2000 and was on Social Security Disability when in 2001 DH had 3 herniated disc and his weekly income went from $1000/wk to $400/wk Workers Comp. He was out of work for FOUR years and my SSD ended during that time. But, we survived. Then again on May 28, 2008 both of us were working and life was going well when I stood up to leave work and my left leg wouldn't work. I had the first of three strokes (within a week) and with one step we went from two to one income. Not that it has been easy but again
  5. ME TOO!!!! The other pharmacist (not Jim) told me K-Mart has signed a new 20 yr lease. I wouldn't mind seeing Bass Pro Shop - DH and I drive to the one in Discover Mills a few times a year. They have a LOT of merchandise other than fishing and hunting gear, which had always been what I thought they were. They tend to carry a good selection of New Balance shoes which is the only brand DH can wear in a 4-E!! Not that we spend much money there but IF it is going to be a Sporting Store, I would prefer Bass Pro. YEAH, WHY????????????
  6. I don't watch it anymore but used to really enjoy it. I always liked Regis but Kelly gets on my nerves. I know he will enjoy his retirement with his beautiful wife, daughters and GRAND.
  7. Kroger and stores on each side will be made into a sporting store. I doubt the landlord cares what any of us think - it is all about the all mighty dollar. I agree with most everything said in this thread. I LOVE Jim and the girls are great, too. The other guy is nice and I'm sure very smart, he's just not Jim. We use the Hiram location because of Jim and the girls - and because of the staff at 278/61 we do not go there. I hope everyone does make it through the transition with a job. There are a lot of really nice folks throughout that store in all departments. The meat man is really goo
  8. Last week-end I picked up a couple of prescriptions at Kroger Pharmacy on 278/92. DH and I were talking to the girl about them closing and how we hated to see it happen. She said the prescriptions will be transferred to the Kroger on 278/61/Nathan Dean Pkwy. She said many of the employees from the pharmacy in Hiram expect to be transferred to that location as well. She said they would know in a week or two where they will be going. While talking she said "Do you know about paulding.com??? Those people are all bent out of shape about it." I just laughed and told her "Yes, I am on paulding.com a
  9. Yes. Look for the orange stickers - that is the merchandise included in this sale. I noticed it when I was in there yesterday, too.
  10. I posted a couple of weeks ago looking for someone who makes these - and here you are!! My DGD wants one made out of Alabama print material. She has one that is about 30" long and 6" wide. Could you make one like that for me?? If you need me to buy the Alabama print material for it just let me know. THANKS!!
  11. I added photos of the GEORGIA and RAIDERS Gloves. ONLY $4.00!!
  12. Look forward to trying it......Sounds WONDERFUL!!!
  13. She is ADORABLE. We enjoyed watching her on America's Got Talent - SO SWEET and innocent. But, she is awfully young to be thrust into the biz.
  14. I am one of those people who have never had lamb but have no desire to. Same with "veal". I know it is crazy and I don't have the same problem with a cow or chicken, BUT........
  15. Grilled BBQ chicken with some "Alabama Crimson Tide" BBQ sauce DH was given for a Christmas gift by a friend. Homemade Mac & Cheese Crowder Peas Fried Okra Mexican Cornbread If it is edible please share the recipe. Sounds GOOD!
  16. CONGRATULATIONS!!!! You have every reason to be PROUD and THANK him for his service to our Country.
  17. I am glad you and your Mom are having a good experience and I hope they are able to find the cause of her sinking spell so she feels better soon. (My Grandmother used the same description. ) A few months ago I posted a similar thread after a great experience in the Paulding ER. They discovered DS had a kidney disease he inherited from me - he was not having symptoms with his kidneys and they had no knowledge of the family history. As sad as I was I was very impressed with their ability to diagnose the disease. We have not had experiences being admitted to Paulding (because of my kidney tra
  18. Sending good thoughts and prayers your way. God knows your need and will see you through the difficult times.
  19. I agree.....Lady Raider ROCKS!! I enjoy our Y&R chats, too.
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