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Everything posted by converse

  1. Let me see if I can dumb it down enough for you to understand... 1. I am not the one trying to impose my will on the NFL and its players. > you are 2. I am not the one saying I know what is better for the NFL and its players. > you are 3. I am the one saying I'm going to stay out of it and let the players decide. > you aren't 4. I am the one who believes it should be up to the NFL and its players to decide what is right for them. > you aren't These are grown men playing in a professional. They are professionals. They are plenty capable of making their own
  2. It is their choice and you admit the risks are known by today’s players. I don't know if you're a nanny or simply refuse to accept anything outside your own thought process. Maybe both?? Either way it is ridiculous. You countered your own argument within your argument but kept the drivel coming… If a majority of the players what a change, it will happen. I'm of the opinion that they should have the ability to make the choices that affect their lives. Not you. I'm troubled you can't comprehend that.
  3. I'd let any adult loved one drive anything they wanted. It is not my place to demand they do anything. I’m of the opinion they’re an adult and capable of living their own life making their own decision. With that privilege comes accepting responsibility for their actions and choices. Do you get it now or do you still want to be the internet dictator demanding everyone follow your narrow view of how things should be? I never played football school. Wrestling was my sport and we had more injuries than the football team… Are you going to put your nanny panties on and cry about that nex
  4. The player put themself in the position willingly. Now with this "new discovery" the players can't complain about not understanding the risks of being hit hard. Do you really think it will change anything at all? Will the top players suddenly leave the sport? The answer to both is no. It is black and white. We'll see lawyers and nannies try to make it everything thing else but in the end there were always known risks while playing the sport. Next we'll see people saying boxing is too dangerous of a sport... oh wait...
  5. Not a single person was forced in to play in the NFL. These guys worked very hard to get in and continued to work very hard to stay in. Each of them is free to leave at any moment they'd like. If you don't like it, don't watch it. If you have fears about the safety, don't play. Very simple... These guys received huge sums of money and other benefits most will never see to play the game but now want to complain after the fact. That doesn't sit well with me.
  6. Really? What is eating the pipes? Is it the joints leaking or the actuall pipes?
  7. Is this what p.com has come to? Lame... This a child’s play compared to the earlier days. It was way more fun back then...
  8. Obama administration urges freer access to cellphone records Being that this affects everyone with a cell phone and is not directly political in nature, I posted it in the internet cafe.
  9. It started with ribbons given out to all participants in school sports instead of placement trophies/metals. Now we're talking about changing the fundamentals of football.... The nanny police should be sitting on cloud nine right now!
  10. The IT field appears to be strong every where. You just need the skills and job history to get hired. If you have that there is no shortage of jobs.
  11. Are you going to be a part of the second building?
  12. "Beat out" would be a better way to put it. Much of the equipment will be designed and assembled there. The companies buying that type of equipment are spending big chunks of money on each machine no matter which vendor they choose. Saying your equipment was designed and assembled in America is something most Chinese (and many American) companies can't say. You'll also being talking to America's when you call in for support. Pretty much takes away most of the negative qualities when you think about Chinese produced goods... There are some very smart and powerful people behind that co
  13. I think you'd be surprised what some make in China. You have lower wages but also some that rival and eclipse ours for comparable sectors. I had an interesting discussion with some Chinese employees at a local company I did some work for. It was an eye opener. One of them migrated here about 20 years ago. He had to compete for the opportunity as it was highly desirable to come to America then. A younger one was told he had to come... He did not want to and was more than ready to go home once his 6 months were up. The Chinese based worker has a higher salary than his counterpart doing
  14. When I think of places I'd really like to go back to no local shops pop in to my head... They are all out of state. Every one I can think of right now is in Texas. I don't know if it is the quality of food is lower here or the other stuff being out of reach is the reason.
  15. Where in paulding county are you using live minnows? I haven't seen anything big enough to take a minnow the few places I have been.
  16. I eat at and like them. What makes you think the food coming from behind the wall is any cleaner/safer??
  17. I never said I wanted or supported the bill. All I am trying to do is give my opinion of what the bill covers. It seems people want to worry about their privacy now because of this bill but want to ignore the elephant in the room which is the healthcare bill...
  18. Ask the hackers, file sharers, crackers, libelers and others who have been prosecuted and sued over the years how this is illegal search and seizure. If pubby were to look at private messages sent between p.com members, would you consider that illegal search and seizure? You keep putting your opinion in to this discussion and not what is in the actual bill. Please read it and then tell me where I am wrong.
  19. Well now... Doesn’t that contradict the idea of any corporation being "bad" or "evil"? Wouldn't it be more legitimate and truthful to say a company is either lawful or unlawful? I like the idea of the B-Corp. What I do not like about it is a person could run the company in to the ground while making themself rich and proclaim they did their best to promote the "idea" behind the company and it wasn’t their fault it failed. Global warming "entrepreneurs" are going to love this! Just ask Al Gore.
  20. People, corporations and the government have been using internet data to prosecute and litigate for a long, long time. Liable, pirating, and terrorist activities do not require this bill as has been seen over and over again. The internet “taps” are already in place and being used at every law abiding IPS. Even hotspots have to comply. You’re being tracked and possibly inspected now. A search warrant gives every bit of access this bill provides. The difference here is this bill gives companies and the government the ability to share the data. Say you’re selling pirated videos online.
  21. What you are worried so much about was accomplished years ago! All this bill does it enable more "eyes" to see the data already being collected without getting the courts involved. You are kidding yourself if you think you have any privacy on things going across the internet. There are soooo many places that data can be intercepted. Privacy is handled between you and you the person you're talking to on the internet. Not by the provider giving you internet. Not by the companies transporting the data to its destination and not by the provider of the person you are sending data to. The
  22. No it isn't... there are no actions provider for in this bill. The laws and actions everyone is concerned about are already in place. People are years behind for being afraid... Say you own an apartment complex with 10 rooms. Currently your tenants can not talk to each other about the mice they see out of fear from being sued by you or going through the hassel of getting the court system involved. This bill allows and encourages them to talk to each other without that fear about the mouse and anything else they feel is a "threat".
  23. This should scare the pants off of you then...
  24. Attach the bill for what it is. Bringing up all the stuff some “think” is in there makes the arguments against it seem like they are coming from tin foil hat wearing folks and easily get dismissed. The only thing this bill does is give access to information. Attack it for privacy concerns and it’ll be a legitimate argument. Anything else is simply wrong and counterproductive.
  25. No it does not. It allows for the sharing of data that can and is already being collected. It doesn’t give businesses or the government the ability to shut down a website because that was in place long before this bill was brought up. There are privacy concerns here. Attack the bill for what it is.
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