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Everything posted by bvrat5199

  1. I wish more people would do this with their brats based on how most of them act in public. I'm just saying.
  2. UNLESS this is the flag that flew for him in 'nam he should have bought a better flag. I fly mine everyday and I've had it for 3+ years, it looks NOTHING like that. I see both sides, but it will only be up for another few days so just let it go people.
  3. For you nitwits that say this no longer makes America America I suggest some light reading called the Bill of Rights. As for not meaning anything and the supreme courts rulling not meaning anything I will put this topic in my back pocket to pull out the next time we debate anything and I am told I'm wrong because the SC rulled on it. You know, because their rulings now don't matter.
  4. If I was rich I would find some poor bastard that was renting a place with those terms and have some real fun with it. Hire strippers all the time, point the camara at the TV when the station was set on CSPAN. All kinds of stuff.
  5. Doesn't take long. Google their name and it pops up. Click the page, usually a quick look at the home page tells you all you need to know. It's nothing formal and its nothing that is heavily weighted in the process unless there is something really out of line on there but companies do check.
  6. The issue is that facebook isn't public. She was forced to give her information and except the coach as a friend. You control who sees your info on facebook.
  7. Hate to tell you this but it is standard practice at most places now. Part of the backround check. Facebook is a little harder becuase they have better security and are not a true public site but myspace is checked often. You can learn more from that site about people then a lot of the formal searchs.
  8. Should have an option..... I don't say that word because it isn't a real word.
  9. That would be no different then your boss asking for your Pcom account info? WTH is wrong with people that you are all willing to just give up your privacy and your rights so easily? The drinking and smoking was wrong and that is something her mom and dad need to adress - the school crossed a line here. It wasn't their property and it was none of their business.
  10. Have you been under a rock the last couple years? As long as you 100% know that you will NEVER have to move that is true. Ask anyone that has had to relocate for work and is attempting to sell their home if they think home ownership saves. Had I rented for the two years I was in my home in Ga I would have been out MAYBE 24000 bucks (1000 a month in rent x 24 months) I'm going to lose 3-4 times that on the house I bought and now have to sell and mine was a standard loan, not subprime. Other then relocating the recession hasn't changed me much. Can't afford to put as much into savings until
  11. From a football point of view if he is smart he learns to become a WR. He can't throw an accurate ball to save his life. With more teams going to the single wing "wildcat" here and there he could find a nitch. That is assuming the last 2 years haven't shaved time off his 40. Any team that signs him as a QB is kidding themselves.
  12. Debate is still out on that one..... its better then drinking regular soda if your type 2 diabetic. I've had to give up every food vice I have so you can have my diet Mt. Dew when you pry it from my cold dead hands.
  13. HMMMMM....another useless thread without pictures.
  14. I used to get a double 1/4 lb'r large fries and a large diet. Not to save calories but because regular was to sweet - but I know what you mean.
  15. Bad driving is bad driving. Period. Cell phone, radio station, other passengers, crying brat in the backseat, barking mut in the car, eating, drinking, smoking, etc etc etc. Ban it all. Lets all do our 1 hour commute in total silence with both hands at 10 and 2
  16. Interesting. So as a diabetic I should be taxed because I need to purchase sugar free items? Got it. Diet Coke isn't the issue, its people's own stupidity and lack of self control. The study that I'm sure you are thinking about basically proves people are idiots, not that diet soda is bad, if you read the entire thing. People think that they can eat more unhealthy foods if they sub diet soda for regular and then gain wait. No sheeze. You mean if I take 500 calories out of my diet by switching to diet soda I can't add 850 calories of other crap back in and lose wait? Don't tax those of
  17. Heard this was a scam and for those that want to know - NO THIS IS NOT ME IN THE ARTICLE.
  18. Best advice - Don't post pictures on the net that you don't want people not to see.
  19. Never understood why teachers did this anyway. Teaching is their job, they are in it to make money and put food on the table. I don't know many professions where you take a check and then hand the money right back to them.
  20. Anyone that has worked in ANY form of construction and has stepped in the courthouse knows that we were ripped off. Didn't Cobb's cost the same amount? The difference of course is that there's is at least mid-grade fixtures and finish etc as our is builder supply warehouse specials. Jerry did a hell of a job on padding his buddies wallets with this one. Wrong. We should "bitch" about it EVERY day so they know that we as tax payers in Paulding County will not be stolen from again!
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