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Everything posted by bellaprincess

  1. Hmmmm, I am on the fence with this one. Middle school here is 8:35 - 3:35. Theirs is 8:15 - 3:45. (Student are considered late after 8:25) So barely any time at all is added to the day yet they only go for four days. I could see lots of students loving this, especially high school students that could work or volunteer more. http://bms.peachschools.org/SchoolTimes.htm edited to add link
  2. Thank you! I do understand getting frustrated. There have been a lot of complaints lately! We need more pretty, warm spring days ! Maybe that will help.
  3. Whoa, chill out. I was talking about a poll here. Why are you so combative in your posts? What I stated was absoultly correct. Now in this instance it might have been the best of three choices that did win, but really you do not know me and are so abrasive in saying "don't give me", ?! Didn't a BOE not vote because they might have listened to some of the objection to the really early date? (I can't exactly remember it has been a while) Either way, I was not quoting or responding to you. Please do not address me like you did. I try to be nice and polite to other posters on this board, and jus
  4. JSYK... it doesn't exactly work like that. Say Sept 1, receives the most votes, yet the BOE decides (for whatever reason, financial..etc) that Sept 1 is not in the best interest of Paulding county, they look at what was voted on, and then they vote for what they think best. I would venture to guess, if we did a poll that was private, most teachers would not be showing happy with an August 1 start date. We do not get out until June 5, then post planning then back in July for pre-planning. I will say it is a done deal and no matter what we or anyone thinks it is happening like this. I
  5. Dorm room. That thing was smaller then my closet now! LOL I did have fun though!
  6. Exactly what I was talking about. So downsouth are you offering to relocate and purchase the house people are trying to sell?
  7. We do what we have to do. It is a done deal, as WFAL said we have to suck it up. No solution was going to be perfect for all of us. Just not possible. I know it will impact many in different ways, but at this point, nothing can be done. I have no problem coming here and reading everyone's take on it. Good and bad. Mad about it or happy. That is what this message board is for. I do have a problem with the snarky, snide, "leave", "Delta is ready" comments. A.) some are just venting B.) other may want to leave, but with the economic climate and housing market, well, who could? Your comments
  8. Our dinner was good too! Great food great service!!
  9. Do you have any bigger pictures? (on a website or somewhere) I would like to get a closer look. Also, The Silver Platter? I have not heard of them. Do you have any more info? Thanks!
  10. Took me a second to answer..cleaning up...but yeah that is true! :rofl:
  11. Note to self~ Do not open LPPT's topics with a nice hot cup of coffee in your hand...guess that put me in the stupid category.
  12. I just was wondering..you never know when you call if you get "good" information! I guess I should have looked at that brunch menu, wow...now my stomach is growling!!
  13. We have reservation there for this evening and they told us they do not have the early bird specials today.
  14. I was saying people liked you and if anyone else had posted the video and made your posts the other posters would have been meaner/more judgmental. (In response to sugail post)
  15. I actually think most have been easy on her and really pointed out their concern for her safety. If it was anyone else but LPPT I would bet it would have been much worse.
  16. Hmmm, wondering if the office is telling the truth....someone just posted that EPHS is now out.
  17. What the heck? I just got off the phone with two of the high schools and those two said normal time. Ugh!
  18. According to SPHS this is not correct.
  19. How can they early release one school?
  20. Just got the " school might close early tomorrow, make plans" call from the school district.
  21. Did not have time to watch your video, but I can guess from your comment it probably has something to do with weight. I have been there. I have seen overweight people there along with skinny too. Overall their "diet" (and I do not mean in the sense of losing weight, just in how they mostly eat) is healthy, fresh, non processed, no pesticide foods. Much healthier for a person overall. That is what I talk..healthy. Not weight loss, just making the right decisions and there have been studies and specials on the healthy "diet" of the Mediterranean. No offense to Bourdain, but not one I would go to
  22. LOL. No not Yelowl Tail..I am safe! I watch my carbs and sugar. Big ole pain in the rear, but I deal. Keep up with the good work! You are definitely right on exercise, a major must! I take insulin, but I can not imagine how bad it would be without a good diet and exercise.
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