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Everything posted by bellaprincess

  1. I appreciate the link. She cut his hair while he was asleep, correct? She did not attack him with scissors, right? (How you had worded it, it sounded like she actually went running after him with scissors.) Just trying to understand here. The scratch was obtained by her husband as she was trying to get her phone? Charges were dropped and this occurred during a divorce 7 and a half years ago?
  2. ?? I have no clue. Can I ask where you obtained your information? Not saying it is wrong just asking where did it come from? When was this? What exactly happened? I really do not know.
  3. I have had quite a few students whose moms have kept the ex's name.
  4. Is he going to Cowboys? I have 3 friends that are going there those 2 days for FL.
  5. Definitely. OG food comes in mostly frozen. I do not like it at all. I prefer Italian Oven or Carabba's. (Provino and Scalinis is good too!) Last few times we went to Red Lobster in Dville the food has been less than stellar. When asked about a couple of things they just didn't even seem to care that we did not like something or they had changed it.
  6. Hmmm, who stated that? I think anyone can be inconvenienced for 15 minutes, but it was the hour and 1/2 that the sign states that people are a little surprised about. I know CC called Hiram and I did too (to confirm the back roads will also be inaccessible) . They state the sign is correct.
  7. I was driving by the other day and saw work being done, but did not catch the sign. -sigh- More Mexican. I am glad a standing building was being used.
  8. I agree. I was just checking to see if he had been located. I hope someone convinces him to call home.
  9. Reason 453 why you should not run for office in Paulding county.....you are arrested, charges dropped, and still convicted on p.com. Some of you need to get a life. Being hell-bent on destroying someone does not make for a good one. Did you ever go back and respond to my questioning of her attendance?Yeah I checked one random one and she WAS THERE. It got awful quiet in that thread after I had posted.
  10. If they are shutting down a MAJOR hwy (between Hiram and Douglasville) and streets in Hiram (I am assuming that based on someone stating drop-off and pick up locations), how exactly are people supposed to get home? This isn't 15 minutes of inconvenience CC says an hour and a half. (Though typed it shows one hour) Now don't bite my head off , I do attend some of the local HS functions, I am just asking because I was surprised by the shutting down of 92.
  11. You might want to wait until it gets closer to see if it will be cold. It has not been cold on Halloween for a while. Plus think about her running around and getting overheated. (Yes I made the mistake once of over dressing my child for Halloween.....she about passed out from running up and down long driveways and house to house. The next years I just carried a sweater/coat for her if she needed it)
  12. Really??!! Every school I have ever been at has sent home something after an incident.
  13. I meant I have absolutely nothing to the side of the posters. No ads just a white space. (I do use adblock though so maybe that is why) I still think everything just looks off. (Not that I want the ads. They give me a headache, no offense, it is all ads. They are too much of a distraction. If I am looking for something I go to the commerce page)
  14. I just have a big white column to the left of the posters names. (I am using IP.Board) It makes the whole format look off, sort of squished.
  15. Great a new nightmare for me! This one was one I received a while ago. He is 16 and also has a large following.
  16. Shouldn't we have got an alert if someone was robbed at gun point?
  17. Name:Karaoke Knights Tagline: Music with Mark Okedoke Karaoke
  18. Absolutely! It drives me nuts. I have even asked, "is that your phone?" to one of my kids and they just laugh. I guess they watch more then me and are used to it.
  19. People do that! I can not remember where I was, but asked if they had Splenda none was out and they said yes, they just have to keep it up because people will take whole handfuls and they are drinking soda! Granted Splenda is pretty expensive, but to take it when you do not need it? Now if they hand me 3 and I use one, I will put the other two in my purse but if it just out, I only use what I need and do not take any. I haven't seen a charge at any restaurants yet.
  20. I am so sorry for what your family had to go through. Thank you for sharing your story with us.
  21. First hand knowledge here. That is why I do what I do. Again, NO ONE LETS IT HAPPEN. Period. Do not blame the victim. There is no fact in your statement. (Many victims believe it is their fault, the molester grooms them to believe that. It is not.) You don't doubt it happened, the molester should be in prison, but the boy could have said no, and let it happen? So you are blaming the victim? ("He was capable." Yes, literally,he has a voice, but could he use it? Probably not, emotionally or psychologically, if he was molested. Which at this point it is allegations.) With what has hap
  22. No...I was speaking of myself being appalled by your comments. I as someone who has worked in this situation. (I volunteer doing this.) Still appalled. Anyone CAN say no, but how many do not? No one LETS this happen. Are you really this clueless, or just heartless? You obviously do not understand the psychological aspect of this. It is not as easy as just saying no. You say they are victims, yet they are not?
  23. OMG are you really for real? I am beyond appalled at your statements here. This coming from someone that has worked with abused kids/ adults and rape victims. Honestly some of your type of statements are why some never come forward. Ugh, I told myself not to open this again.
  24. Eddies Trick Shop in Marietta Square. http://eddiestrickshop.com/ edited to add link
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