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Everything posted by bellaprincess

  1. Is Clarks a commerce member? LOL I didn't even know that! How do you know? (If true that is not right.)
  2. Thank you LPPT and Mr. Dis. That made me laugh! Glad you were not dead.
  3. I still just don't get this thread. Why is the county giving unlimited fuel to a private company? (It is private, right???) Is it a warning that people that work for him are not being paid? Which in turn does slam the man, but I am just wondering about the poor people not getting paid. (I know they work hard!)
  4. Um, does this address the OP's first post? I am still trying to figure that out.
  5. Thanks. I was looking for something "different" to pick up for nights I am just too exhausted to cook! Maybe LPPT could suggest a FB page to them where they could update their daily specials. I always feel so odd calling and asking someone to recite the whole menu to me. LOL!
  6. So they do have a menu and website? Could you post a link to it? Thanks!
  7. We have had pet insurance for about 10 years. It has nothing to do with our personal insurance and I am not sure why you are mad?
  8. I bought a set last year at getorganized.com. I am not sure if they have a single one.
  9. Good grief people. I still have not had a chance to read everything, but let me try to reply to those that quoted me. Many people do avoid a trail and the stress financially and emotionally and plead out. Happens all the time Mr. Politics. First look first benefit of the doubt given. Don't be such a jerk to me. It really is unbecoming of an older gentleman. Hmm, so it was okay back then? Why would it not bother any one enough to bring it out into the open the? Your theory is also a valid possibility. That you for answering my questions Whitey. F
  10. I have not had a chance to read everything yet, I just got a chance to get on here, but someone could take a pre trial diversion to also avoid the toll a trial would take on their family. Since it would not be a felony conviction I could see someone doing that for the sake of their families. Also a trail would cost someone a lot more out of pocket that they might not have so that could also be a valid reason. Is this the first time this has been brought to light? No other time she was running was it brought up? (asking...I have no clue!)
  11. Office- 10% of visit Urgent care- $30.00 ER - $100.00
  12. Don't make me fall off my chair feelip! LOL.....I am waiting too.
  13. Wow. That is just unbelievable. I don't think it is too late to call the manager and let him know of the situation. She does that to the wrong person and the outcome could be ugly!
  14. Did she lie about this? I haven't seen anything (yet) about that.
  15. Anyone with a conviction for a violent crime would be off my radar. Though cutting a piece of someones hair and scratching them while trying to get a phone...I would be highly surprised if that would get a felony conviction. :pardon:That sounds more like I am po'd at her I am calling the police. He calls, they take her in. Charges dropped. The DA does not need the husband to convict or testify so I am assuming that is was pretty petty to begin with. Just my thought on that.
  16. So if something comes out about Will (I know nothing, just saying) you will change your mind about him? Even if it was something that happened almost 8 years ago and nothing really came out of it?
  17. Feelip I hope nothing comes out on him and if something suddenly does everyone leaves it alone. The nastiness locally is so off putting.
  18. Well seeing that she does not have a conviction on the info presented, she must not have been guilty. So, apparently she must have been law abiding if there is no charges. That is how it works, true? So I am still looking at the good and bad on both. (Politically not personally, I really do not like all the personal stuff. Let Paulette and Will have a life, I am looking at what they can or can not do if elected. Who they would work with and whose promises match up to what I want from my representative)
  19. Actually I have not seen any local NASTY attacks towards any Democrats or Independents. I just feel that our community should not attack one of its own willing to do something that most of us are not willing to do.
  20. Are you talking out your backside or what? You do not know me and I vote for the BEST candidate. It does seem I defend many republicans on here because some of you are so NASTY about them and their lives. It is ridiculous and childish and very off putting to those of us that just want actual facts, not smears, innuendo, presumptions or pieces of facts made to look as if the world is ending.
  21. They are at the mall and the food is really good! A bunch of us used to meet at one in Atlanta for appetizers and drinks after work!
  22. Actually I have 4 on my FB page. You act like it is not normal. I don't have a large group of FB friends and found that many. I am not going to name names, but really what do you find so odd about it?
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