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Everything posted by bellaprincess

  1. And my point is even if a runaway becomes national news this is still about local children where people (family and friends) can be hurt by what is being said. We are not talking about unknown people. (as in the Kyron Horman case that went pages and pages here) Common decency goes a long way. I just want the kids to come home and not be more frightened by coming here and reading some of this and deciding (unwisely) that it would be better to stay hid.
  2. It is a big story, it is major news to us. It is just not a national story of unknown people that we can armchair analyze without local people being hurt. Comments on a national story with people we only know from the news is one thing, the hurtful and somewhat ridiculous comments about local teens is another.
  3. You know you come off as a pompous know it all. Sorry, but stop acting like you know everything. Now he is disturbed? Good grief man! The police in both states are working on this and if you look a couple of posts up Tammy is also asking you also to stop mentioning all the crap you are spewing. NOBODY stated not to call the police or have them look, but to stop all your analysis. It IS NOT HELPING. I actually enjoyed reading you stuff here and the blog you started when the child was missing nationally, but this is personal to many and you are overstepping common decency bounds when asked
  4. I think this thread needs to go away and a new one without all the armchair psychoanalysis started. The few people that keep bringing up how bad Shane is and that the FBI needs to be called in for a runaway is not helping. I know that teens that know these kids are reading this. None have stated they have actually spoke with either of the missing teens, but....... if the local teens are reading this, I believe that the missing ones might be also. In a teen mind our thoughts, opinions, and analysis is frightening. Do you know I have heard from some of Starrs friends (yes with my ears, not gossi
  5. :blink: NOT what I have been told at all. Who said this? (Them not wanting to come back because of being in trouble is not the same as what you wrote)
  6. While what has been done is wrong, running away, maybe in another state, but does anyone know exactly what crime has been committed? Age of consent is 16 and since she called him, snuck out, left with him, I would not think of it as kidnapping.(and maybe why the local police have not called the FBI like one poster keeps mentioning) :pardon:I really do not know so can someone tell me? I know I would be beside myself if it was one of mine. I just pray they come to their senses and just come home!
  7. Do you seriously think you know more about this case then the police and family from reading a few posts? What makes you think the police here are not taking this seriously? The mom has contacted local tv stations, btw.
  8. Apparently it was trashed. Writing on the walls, all the stuff tossed about..pads etc. They were cleaning it up today and sorting out the stuff. I was not told about the shoes, but was told the EPHS was wrote in there. Edit: I just saw what fishnthec wrote. My info came from a coach there.
  9. Those people? I would say they have a lot of respect for people. They are driving to a location that cigar smoking is actually allowed and not banned. They are not smoking at the local McD door. I am not saying this for me, I don't smoke, but come on, it is legal and they do not have many places they are allowed to go.
  10. LOL. I am a self admitted dummy when it comes to channel's! I have to have my favorites programed, because I don't care if I watch it everyday I can never seem to remember what the channel number is. This is a nightmare for me.
  11. Thanks. I just arrived home and the tv that has the cable box is the same as it has been. The other that does not have the cable box was showing fuzz on most low channels. We are re scanning all the channels right now. Will let you know the outcome of that (it takes a while LOL) but why is the tv without the cable box already receiving the new signal and the one with the box is not? Seems odd to me.
  12. Ok...beyond confused here. I have one box that is my dvr/on demand box. The other two tv's have nothing. As of this morning nothing was different and ALL my channels worked from 4 - hundreds! So are you saying with the "change" my box will only give me channels 4-78???? I will pay the same bill and loose 600+ channels? (unless I pay for upgraded boxes) Are you kidding me? It costs a fortune now.
  13. We just got comcast/infinity (from dish) and we only have a box on the den tv. (DVR/On Demand) all the other HD tv's work without the box and they do have all the channels. (700 +)
  14. It is a lot! I told him I hope his metabolism always stays like that. He is not a junk eater. I am diabetic so I never have had much junk in the house so he never really developed a liking for any of that. I am sure you are right and if he ate more during the day he would have more energy and loose weight. It probably sounds foreign to him to think if you eat more you can loose. LOL No thank you very much for the offer. Though a garden and cow sound like a good idea!!!! I am sure we have all scared DGITW!
  15. All I saw was Cold Front on your title! LOL I would have to though to put on a sweater, though as much I doubt I could get it down to 45! I don't think it has turned off ALL summer.
  16. pft... I got all excited for a minute and thought I could bring out my sweaters.
  17. For the amount of food he eats he better! I seriously have no idea how he can eat so much. He also takes two snacks and a peanut butter sandwich to school AND eats lunch at school. Don't get me started on after school and dinner!! My grocery bill is outrageous and it is all him, the rest of us get what is leftover.
  18. Mine would be passed out on the floor from starvation! He is a pig! His breakfast alone; bowl oatmeal, bowl cereal, piece of fruit, 3-5 pancakes, toast, and 2 glasses of milk. Everyday. He is 6' 135-140
  19. I think (bolded) is why they want him there! Paula/ gone, Simon/ gone, Ellen/ gone....they have to have someone way over the top to get people to actually watch.
  20. I updated picasa and everything was there when I opened the updated version. I did nothing but click update.
  21. LOL! If you ever want to tell I am sure we would all be willing to listen.
  22. You have made that statement a few times.....story you would like to tell?
  23. That was my favorite movie from that time! I wish I could do it.
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