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Everything posted by bellaprincess

  1. I can't get on through my BB or computer. Ugh!
  2. Yikes! That is right up there with the well known ones. I personally do not like to pay to have myself scared to death! I am sure some of the local kids will love this.
  3. LOL!! The airport and hospital is also being used for this event. So you win if one of those two are also questioned.
  4. True! I am blond though and do sometimes (okay a lot of times) miss the obvious funny! :rofl:
  5. I really did not like it, at all, but Maxine did. I am hoping she comes back to tell what she liked about the program and for others to chime in. One like and one dislike probably doesn't tell you much!
  6. Sure is. BTW thanks to the person that gave me a negative because I did not like a show.
  7. Wow. I watched because I did watch Glee. I want those 30 minutes of my life back. I did not find it funny or clever at all. I actually thought it stupid and can not think of one instance I would say is even remotely hysterical. (and this was after a cocktail!) So tell me what did you find funny and clever that I missed?
  8. DH and I will watch House together. He wants to see Hawaii 5-0, but I want to check out The Event. We will meet back up for Chase.
  9. Thanks for the review. I planed on checking both out, especially The Event. I do not have LOST anymore so I am hoping that this new show will keep me thinking!
  10. No, did you not understand what I wrote? My point was it was not reported just as media hype, as you wrote, but because of a woman being badly injured and the dogs on the loose. I would hope to believe that any animal on the loose after an attack would be reported on the news no matter what the breed. I do not believe it was a ratings issue. I agree they are more dangerous. I never even said that all pb's should be banned. I think a registration of animals is a good idea.
  11. I do not believe that at all. Frankie was badly injured and the dogs were loose, no media hype. I would have no problem with that. Any animal, though I think by starting with ones that have records of killing or maiming is a good start. (no matter what the breed)
  12. GoBlue~ What part of the woman getting torn up by 3 pit bulls is media hype? They also state that people can keep the pets they have just register them. Should they ban them, maybe not, if they ban one then I would say ban all that can kill and or maim. I do not think it is a bad idea for all dogs to be registered.
  13. Do they serve alcohol? I don't smoke but love the smell of a cigar while sipping on a scotch.
  14. Who? You can PM, but I do not know of any teacher that worked there that was killed by a bus.
  15. I am pretty sure it was the dance studio. I think the cigar shop just relocated there.
  16. I can't remember it verbatim, but it was along the line of. "people ask me if he is going to have sex with the other wife and I say duh he better be"
  17. Have you seen the commercial for it? I about fell off my seat when I heard the last line.
  18. I understand Paulding Meadows always does it on Saturday. I believe as I would think most would that is perfectly acceptable.(The volunteers deserve a day to recoup!) The city observing Halloween on Saturday instead of Sunday has nothing to do with people recuperating before the next day. We do not observe it on another day when it falls Monday - Thursday and we all have to work or go to school the next day. This has been the only place I have ever lived that every year people ask. I just do not get it. If Halloween is October 31st, what is the question?
  19. Yes, I do understand that where did I state I did not? (I was agreeing you could label the building owner with those names and pointing out that it is not the patrons. The patrons do not have any control of the location of the establishment) The patrons are not doing anything wrong are they? All I have seen is where they are doing what the establishment allows in the area provided. That a kid happens to walk through to a back door in the provided area does not equate to the patrons being disrespectful to the children. How many people would even know that would be happening? I am sure no
  20. Lack of courtesy on the part of the building owner, I agree, but not the patrons. (The ones that were labeled as disrespectful) That is all I am stating. I just do not see fault with the patrons of the establishment for doing what the business offers, smoking, or why they are being made the bad guy. (The patrons did not decide to rent to a cigar pub next to a dance studio, which I do think is a bit odd.) I am glad the owners are trying to come up with a solution.
  21. No, actually I do not have a child at that studio, nor do I smoke. Most smoking establishments I have ever been to do have both an indoor and an outdoor location. The question raised is are these people being disrespectful? I do not see how anyone could think they are. They are indulging in an activity in an area that the establishment is providing. That is all I am trying to say. They have not done anything wrong, and while the children have not either, calling people disrespectful for doing something permitted is not right. Do you have a child at that studio,and if so have you spoke with t
  22. That is not them disrespecting anyone. That is the owner of the location renting a smoking establishment to be located near a dance studio. The people there smoking are doing what they should be. Smoking in a designated location. Tobacco is legal and yet they do not have many legal places they can do it. There they can. What is it they are doing that is disrespectful? Do the kids have to go to the back door? Can they not go through the front? I know that it might be easier to go to the back, but if the smoke bothers them or the parents maybe using the front would be an option.
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