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Everything posted by bellaprincess

  1. I agree with the highlighted statement, BUT if this was how things were run and people allowed off for prior engagements or allowed to leave early or arrive late then I do not see a problem with her. To me the problem would be with how the board was being run. I found no where that she was called out or admonished for what she did, so I would assume that it was allowed. If it was allowed how do you hold it against her? (I have a sub for a week that I went on my honeymoon. Prior approval received, sub retained, yet on my record it shows that I missed 5 school days. Unless you know why, you
  2. SUREPIP: Posted Yesterday, 08:50 PM Quote Here is the attendance and voting records. I am certain the Paulette Posse will still deny what is here, but you can confirm (or not)from Jan 2005 through December 2008 on line on the BOE website. You will have to pull up the old copies manually before then, have at it:<br style=""> <br style=""> Quote Paulette Rakestraw BraddockPaulding BOE Attendance & Missed Votes January 2001 through December 2008 2-27-01 -Absent and missed 4 votes 3-27-01 -Arrived late and missed 4 votes 6-26-01 -Arrived
  3. Thanks for posting the link. I knew where to get it, but I am not making accusations so I do not believe I have to prove she was worse. I did go ahead and look at a random one (which does take time) and I find it odd that Will's camp is stating she was absent, yet the minutes clearly show she was there and voting. I am not looking up anymore, but that fact with your highlighted statement above just shows me that it is dirty politics as usual around here. Say it and it is true.
  4. If you will take care of all my students I'll do that. Now the bold above was just darn funny! The best post I have seen out of you!
  5. Actually yes, and you took a leap on thinking it wouldn't. I actually am not in either camp, but I don't see the constant Will is bad from Paulette's as I do about Paulette from Will's. I just don't like it. Exactly. Plus even if they are, was she the only one with that record? I do not know what the superintendent was allowing or not, and for anyone to base their vote on just something like this, posted on p.com...well I'll just say it would not be the smartest decision. :blink: off topic: Did you ever go by another name here? Your posts do remind me of someone.
  6. I am stating that I am not going to go by what someone from one persons camp is posting as the end all truth. I believe there is more to it then shown. If they want me to believe it then answer my questions. I am completely familiar with the attendance policy, part of my job to be, and I assure you that many students miss as much as Ms. Braddock did and still pass. Maybe you should check into that yourself.
  7. Permission, yes. I live in the real world where things do happen and others allow for those things. Please show me that her record in no way compares to the others serving with her. Did she do anything out of the norm, or was this how the board was run (allowed) and should that be held against her now if it was? As I stated many posts ago, on the surface it does not look good, but what am I comparing this to? You added this. ^^ Guess what? Not necessarily! If it is excused (permission) they will not.
  8. 13 Stories behind Town Center. I have never gone but my kids like it. 13storieshauntedhouse.com/
  9. So you know she was not given permission or had something worked out? Can you give me a link or point me in the right direction? Thanks.
  10. School board is year round. Stuff happens. Show me that she was the only one that ever arrived late or was absent. That would make a difference. Not having a comparison with the rest that served with her does not show me anything.
  11. I have to say I would agree that it does seem like a lot, but with nothing to compare it to gives me pause. Many of those absences look, to me, as times when families have vacations. (Were other members also out? Possibly on the other weeks? I would assume at one point or more during the year they would all have taken time off.) Also do we know if she was or was not given permission to arrive late? I know in many instances when a boss (superintendent) would grant an employee (board member) leeway regarding arrival or dismissal time. Whatever the reason may be. (another job, child care, etc) Do
  12. Yikes. I guess that is why none of my usual Facebook posters are posting.
  13. HUH? I think you all are watching something different then me. I will give you that I watch it on SoapNet and miss here and there, but I thought no one knows who switched the test. Nicole (Carley & Nathan) only knows Chloe had a fling, and I have never seen where Nicole (Carley & Nathan) knows it is Phillip. I thought only Stephanie and Ian know the parties involved. (Which Chloe does not know they know)
  14. That's okay. I had thought I had read he did not like having the odd name, back when Kelly Ripa named her youngest that. Since that has been a while I wasn't totally sure.
  15. Really? I thought that was a name he "took" when we was young and acting.
  16. I am surprised you did not know he was River's brother too. Joaquin was the one that called 911 and we heard over and over at the time. I really liked River.
  17. Uh huh, we believe you. I am just glad it is back. I am very thankful it looks the same and they did not change anything......again!
  18. :cray: I am not. I had such high hopes!
  19. NOoooooooooo! Last time they chaged it I was getting posts from days past and nothing new was showing! It went crazy for about 2 weeks!!
  20. I was in the middle of a good chat, now I have to actually use the phone and speak to hear the ending. Unheard of!
  21. Sorry you feel like that, but I am LMAO at the statement!
  22. Hey no fair, I tried the BB too and it would not work. <pouting>
  23. IDK!! I am off this week, I am supposed to play on FB as much as possible!
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