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Everything posted by bellaprincess

  1. That wasn't very nice of them! The plot thickens......
  2. Was it the elementary, middle, or high school bus? That info will help with the rumors.
  3. I hope not yet why would a 15 year be tried as an adult? I found this; ARE JUVENILES REQUIRED TO REGISTER? O.C.G.A. § 42-1-12 (9)© No, unless they are tried and convicted as an adult. It is very disturbing to think about. It does not seem like the boob/butt grab type of situation if the offender was tried as an adult. (Now I could totally be misinterpreting this info but I know if I am someone will let me know! )
  4. Actually there are other systems that do allow for this and then when they come into ours it portrays them as "behind." Thanks! That makes sense to your initial statement.
  5. I guess I am not following you most seniors are 18 and some even 19. Are we talking about middle school??
  6. :rofl: Oh my....sounds like me! That stuff has a million uses!
  7. I crossed off where you should have left it if you truly are congratulating Dick and would really like for him to make an appearance back here. just sayin' Steve has done a fabulous job with giving us much needed facts and information and I do hope he continues to read and post on your site!
  8. So now Pownell won and the other is undecided?
  9. That was one that surprised me, hope someone sees your post and finds out the true number.
  10. I do not think that the average property value went down that much. I know mine was no where near that!
  11. The politics here are so ugly and truly beyond my comprehension of why they are. I know we are missing out on many good people that just do not want to have to deal with them, their families, and friends being hurt and dragged in the mud. I mean one word to someone and they go on a mission to destroy! It is so ridiculous.
  12. Hmmm now that is interesting!(I wonder if they have a bunch of years in?) Do you know how to go about doing the records request?
  13. Is there a link to county job pay? I would really like to see exactly what is being made since you have been so up in arms over BC pay. (which I do not think was unreasonable for the years or what she did, it seemed right on track with other admin assistants/executive secretaries I know)
  14. Yes many people endorse others. The problem here in Paulding is that we came out of a well known good ole boy system and how the endorsement was executed by Austin makes it appear as if we are going to have a new one. The letter was too much! If he would have just stated I endorse TP, I personally would not have thought much of it, but that letter changed my vote.
  15. For the most part you are right, Bellaprincess. A candidate should not be judged on the actions of those close to them. That said, when an incident comes to light there are a handful of legitimate questions that would relate to the actions of the candidate/public official. The questions are the same ones that sank the Nixon Administration 36 years ago. The questions were in that case: "What did the president know?" and "When did he know it?" The purpose was to discover if the president/candidate/public official took actions to thwart, delay or avoid the proper administration
  16. Feelip that is beyond a ridiculous statement. Read Palm Trees Rock statement.
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