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Everything posted by MeWhoElse

  1. Promise? :/ I see the thread took off after I gave up, lol...
  2. My post was not intended to be argumentative, honestly...
  3. lol @ the hair comment, but thank you. Thank goodness for hair color! But have you seen my cankles lately? Glad you had a great day today. Mine was more productive than fun but that makes me happy! Pcom is dead tonight but hopefully everyone is at the farewell party. Grab up all your friends in the political forum and tell them to take a break from politics for just one night...
  4. Snap pictures of them in the act and post it on pcom. JLH1010101010 does that and gets a huge response, lol...
  5. <peekinginbecausetherestoftheboardisdeaderthanadoornail>
  6. :yahoo: No debbie downers tonight, please...
  7. If you want better libraries in this county, expect tax increases and DON'T COMPLAIN when that happens. Seems like that is all Pcom is anymore. If you want the libraries to be better, get off your butt and do something that will help!
  8. Good luck and best wishes to you Steve and Nemie. I hope all your dreams come true...
  9. It does seem better. Earlier it was super slow so I just left, lol...
  10. I am so sorry to hear this hun. Please let me know if there is anything I can do...
  11. Hey Ernest, I got you a sack full of rocks...
  12. I thought he was talking to me and I looked too, lol...
  13. That IS a good looking truck...
  14. This is not my site but if I owned it, I would make you purchase a commerce membership here...
  15. I googled and find many remedies...
  16. I agree about the delivery and I will work on that...
  17. I will have to pass this time but good luck to everyone!
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